Isn’t it interesting to see how every bad idea that is destroying the fabric of America can be traced back to George Soros? Open borders. That was George’s idea. Prosecutors who don’t prosecute crime. George. Pushing the medical community to support ghoulish transgender sexual mutilation surgeries on kids? Also, George.
Those pet projects have run into a brick wall with the election of Donald J. Trump, so good old George is moving on to a new one. He’s now throwing his money behind the move to legalize marijuana in all 50 states.
It’s not as if the marijuana lobby needed the additional money, but Soros’s new interest in drug legalization should tell you everything you need to know. Sadly, most Americans are ignorant of the dangers of modern marijuana due to all the propaganda that’s been fed to them.
Back in 2019, Alex Berenson published his excellent book, “Tell Your Children: The Truth About Marijuana, Mental Illness, and Violence,” when medical pot had only been legalized in nine states. Today, medical marijuana is legal in 17 states. It’s legal for recreational use in 24 states. The truthtellers are losing the battle when it comes to this toxic drug.
Big Weed plays on Americans’ sympathy by claiming that “medical marijuana” is good for chronic pain conditions. In most states that have legalized cannabis for medical use, a person must have one of 17 conditions to qualify for a prescription.
The truth is that the medical literature shows that smoking pot is no more effective at chronic pain management than ibuprofen. Yet pot is hailed as a miracle cure that is much safer than opioids.
The weed lobby plays on our sympathies for people in pain. Following a detailed report from the National Academy of Medicine, Malcolm Gladwell wrote, “Is it good for epilepsy? ‘Insufficient evidence.’ Tourette’s syndrome? Limited evidence. ALS, Huntington’s and Parkinson’s? Insufficient evidence. Irritable bowel syndrome? Insufficient evidence. Dementia and glaucoma? Probably not. Anxiety? Maybe. Depression? Probably not.”
Pop quiz: What did the Cleveland Elementary School shooter, the Weston High School shooter, the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooter, the Arapahoe High School shooter, the Aurora, CO movie theater shooter, the Umpqua Community College shooter, the Texas church shooter, and the Pulse nightclub shooter all have in common?
They were all heavy marijuana users.
Some were also on SSRIs and other psychiatric medications, but marijuana was the only common substance that they all shared.
Among young men between the ages of 21 and 30 who have been diagnosed with schizophrenia, 30% of cases are directly linked to marijuana addiction. That’s hard scientific data and not the anecdotal evidence that a person feels better about their glaucoma after smoking up.
Remember that cannibal face-eating guy in Miami? Rudy Eugene attacked a homeless guy on the Miami Causeway in 2012. He beat the homeless guy unconscious, took his pants off, and ate the poor guy’s face, including one of his eyeballs. Both the media and the police rushed to warn the public that this was a dangerous new street drug called “bath salts.” It turned people into crazy cannibal killers!
The toxicology reports only identified one drug in Rudy Eugene’s system when they arrested him: marijuana.
“But states will rake in massive tax revenues if they legalize pot!”
Really? Colorado was the first state to legalize pot for recreational use. The state’s crime rate shot up to 11 times higher than the national average. Marijuana-related DUIs skyrocketed. About 40% of the marijuana DUI arrests involved kids under 18. Hospital admissions went way up.
For every dollar in tax revenues that states collect from weed taxes, they spend ten times as much on policing, hospitalizations, and psychiatric care.
Twenty years ago, marijuana had a THC concentration rate of 2 to 3%. A person could smoke it all day and never pass out. Today, weed has been bred and genetically modified to contain 25% THC and it can put a person in the hospital on their first use.
One of the side effects is “scromiting,” a medical condition in which a person screams like a psychopath and projectile vomits at the same time. Lovely.
If you’re one of the 57% of Americans who support marijuana legalization, you should know that you’re on the same side of this issue as George Soros. And he never has America’s best interests in mind.