Sunday, January 26, 2025
League of Power

The League of power

"Brought to you by Global Liberty News"

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Browsing the "gold" Tag

Take a Long, Hard Look in the Mirror

Take a Long, Hard Look in the Mirror

Hello Friend, Well, everyone seems to be getting hot under the collar and sucked into the endless sideshow of ‘breaking news’ headlines about one problem or another. Then people get bogged down with politics and politicians that they have no [...]

July 30, 2018 Freedom by Friday
Surviving Market Crashes: 7 Steps to Take so You Come Out Unscathed and Even a Bit More Wealthy

Surviving Market Crashes: 7 Steps to Take so You Come Out Unscathed and Even a Bit More Wealthy

Timing is everything. Just imagine if you could have known when the real estate market was going to crash. You could have made millions or saved yourself a lot of heartache and money. A former boss of mine is a [...]

June 12, 2013 Easy Street
A Golden Opportunity

A Golden Opportunity

By Rick Pendergraft (Editor’s Note: Over the next few weeks the League of Power will be running a special and timely series from master trading expert Rick Pendergraft. You may recognize Rick from his numerous appearances on CNBC, Bloomberg and [...]

February 25, 2013 Freedom by Friday
A Guide to Precious Metal Profits

A Guide to Precious Metal Profits

A Trader’s Guide to Precious Metal Profits Comex Insider Spills the Beans 7:15 AM Dear Entrepreneur: I was shocked by the raging hysteria on eBay last week when I listed a dozen gold bullion coins for sale. In one auction [...]

January 20, 2012 Weekend Business Blueprint
Gold’s Not So Secret Upgrade

Gold’s Not So Secret Upgrade

The presses are back on. Money’s cheap and there’s lots of it. You haven’t heard? The US Federal Reserve has taken on the role of the World’s banker as evidenced by the announcement last week of a coordinated action by [...]

December 5, 2011 Freedom by Friday
Bubble Trouble

Bubble Trouble

So, you thought gold was going to go to the moon last week? It broke $1,900 per ounce and it looked as if there was no end in sight. As a gold bull (look at my record if you have [...]

August 29, 2011 Freedom by Friday
The Talking Heads

The Talking Heads

They’re back. I haven’t turned on CNBC for months. For the most part the information you get on that network is old news. They do have good interviews of company CEO’s though, and that is why I decided to tune [...]

August 15, 2011 Freedom by Friday
Money For Nothing

Money For Nothing

This is arguably the best time in history to be a borrower. You can get a 5-year adjustable rate mortgage for 2.75%…but why bother when a 30-year mortgage can be had for less than 4.375%. Car loans are cheaper than [...]

July 11, 2011 Freedom by Friday
The Mother of All Opportunities

The Mother of All Opportunities

Wait for it…that sound that you’re hearing is a collapse in the commodities markets. Funny how the price of oil has fallen by 10% in a week – what happened? Is it suddenly cheaper to get it out of the [...]

May 16, 2011 Freedom by Friday
All That Glitters is Not Silver

All That Glitters is Not Silver

Investing is not easy during the best of times. If you’ve read my writings or are a member of my trading service “The Trojan Secrets“, you know that I am a strong believer that the markets are rigged…and not in [...]

May 9, 2011 Freedom by Friday