Wednesday, October 9, 2024
League of Power

The League of power

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An Open Letter to the Incredibly Stupid Suburban Housewives Who Voted for Biden

Even though the election results were questionable, there were still a lot of incredibly stupid suburban housewives who voted for Joe because of Orange Man Bad. I can’t stop laughing at that viral suburban housewife who voted for Joe and then learned to her shock and horror that her husband – who worked in the oil industry – lost his job on Day 1 of the Biden regime. We’re in for two years of pain, people. Harsh, character-defining pain that I hope will forge you and me like iron. But before that knock comes on our door, we should pause and have a good laugh at the expense of the people who actually voted for the basement dweller.

If you missed that viral text message exchange from the housewife who got her husband fired, here is a screen shot of it:

If you can’t read the screen shot here is a link to the original Twitter post








Here’s my response to any emotional toddler who voted for Joe Biden.

Dear Suburban Housewife,

Even though your husband is technically a blue-collar worker, the two of you have been enjoying a white-collar lifestyle. This was all thanks to the amazing oil and gas renaissance happening in America under Donald J. Trump’s leadership. That house, the brand-new Honda CR-V you’re driving, and the fact that you can stay home and raise the kids yourself without slaving away in some corporate cubicle is (or rather, was) due to Donald Trump’s leadership and the sweat of your husband’s brow.

First, I’d like to offer you a piece of advice, on the assumption that your marriage will somehow survive the fact that you literally voted against your own family’s self-interest. In order to continue enjoying all of the perks and benefits that your husband’s job provided to YOU, your duty as a wife is to have your husband’s back at all times. This includes when you head into the voting booth and cast your vote. I really do hope your marriage works out after this.


Also, in the tumult of costing your husband his job and the upcoming loss of your house, your cars and your way of life, you may have missed some other important things that happened on Joe’s first day on the job.

You might want to sit down and have a chat with your daughter Ashley right now. Thanks to another executive order from President Biden, Ashley is about to get crushed to a pulp on the soccer field this year by a hulking transgender teenager who thinks he is a girl and who insists that everyone call him they/them. After losing the game, Ashley will probably be crying in the school showers due to a broken collarbone. But when they/them steps into the shower with Ashley – and it’s really important that you warn her about this now – Ashley must remain silent.

If she complains, Ashley will be expelled from school for her bigotry and privilege. And not to add insult to injury, but you might want to put those dreams of that athletic scholarship for Ashley on hold as well. The they/them transgender dude will be winning that now.

You made a really dumb and illogical choice on November 3rd based on your feelings, rather than voting for the guy who gets results. If you had connected just a couple of dots before voting, you would have realized that the guy who upset you with his mean tweets had actually made your lifestyle possible. Adults should not care about the personality or the tweets of a president. We should care whether he gets results and improves the lives of the American people through those results.

It’s not like these Joe policies were a big surprise or something. He told us all year long that he was going to crush the oil and gas industry if he somehow got elected. He also supported every woke transgender policy under the sun – policies that are clearly designed to destroy the rights of biological women and girls.

I hope that the pain that your family is about to go through as a result of your emotionally childish voting habits is a learning experience for you. You are getting exactly what you voted for.

But it’s not too late to redeem yourself! It’s never too late to abandon the destructive liberal path that you’re on. Come over to the side that gets results. Attend a rally. Join the Republican Party with your husband. Vote a straight pro-America ticket in two years so a red wave recaptures the House and Senate. Maybe we can begin to stop the bleeding at that point.

But until then… good luck.


All the American Adults Who Voted for Donald Trump

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