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Browsing the "Freedom by Friday" Category

How Slavery Still Exists

How Slavery Still Exists

The Shocking Truth about Modern Day Enslavement Slavery, it’s still happening in this country; in fact, it’s happening across every nation. Don’t think that just because we have entered the 21st century slavery still doesn’t exist. It absolutely does. All [...]

January 13, 2020 Freedom by Friday
Ever Think About Retiring Early?

Ever Think About Retiring Early?

I Made A Million Dollars Last Year, Working Just A Few Hours A Week Using A Protocol I Didn’t Invent! It was always my dream to retire early. I just never thought I’d be able to retire this early, while [...]

January 6, 2020 Freedom by Friday
Do Something Insane Today

Do Something Insane Today

Do Something Insane Today You’re insane if you think you are going to get rich by working for the man and saving a bit of cash and contributing to your 401(K) every year. It can’t be done. Yet people continue [...]

December 30, 2019 Freedom by Friday
The Million Dollar Sales Idea You’ve Been Waiting For

The Million Dollar Sales Idea You’ve Been Waiting For

The Million Dollar Sales Idea You’ve Been Waiting For Running a business can be frustrating, especially an internet based one. I should know I run several. You read all these blogs, subscribe to all these newsletters, buy products and services [...]

December 23, 2019 Freedom by Friday
There’s Nothing Stopping Your From Becoming Rich

There’s Nothing Stopping Your From Becoming Rich

Foolish Advice from a Very Smart Man Recently I read a Facebook post from a friend and colleague who I respect.  He’s a marketing wizard who owns a very successful business.  So he certainly is no dummy, and he’s personally [...]

December 16, 2019 Freedom by Friday
Is This Your ‘End Game’?

Is This Your ‘End Game’?

Welcome back, brothers and sisters… This week, I share with you one of the greatest secrets of success in the form of some past lessons from your cousins across the pond… I just finished watching Meryl Streep’s latest film, ‘The [...]

June 3, 2019 Freedom by Friday
Is This What You Wanted?

Is This What You Wanted?

Is This What You Wanted? Hello again, and I hope you’re sitting down… As promised, I’m going to explain what I’m simply referring to as The Great Inflation, because it’s going to affect you, and it’s going to happen faster [...]

May 27, 2019 Freedom by Friday
You’re Still a Mouse on a Treadmill

You’re Still a Mouse on a Treadmill

Swimming Pool or Slavery? Brothers and sisters, we convene again. Thanks so much for all your comments and feedback! Much to talk about today, so let’s get straight down to it… You’re here because you want to be financially free, [...]

May 20, 2019 Freedom by Friday
Who Wants to be a Villain?

Who Wants to be a Villain?

Hunger Games Welcome back, and thank you for all the kind comments and questions. This week’s letter is inspired by Hollywood’s latest fascination with alternative versions of the future… Judging by most comments, it’s good to know so many readers [...]

May 13, 2019 Freedom by Friday
What’s wrong with this country?

What’s wrong with this country?

“What’s Wrong with This Country?” I received a ‘great’ question from a reader, and I’d like to base this week’s newsletter around it because, sadly, I hear it a lot, or some version of it. The question goes something like [...]

May 6, 2019 Freedom by Friday