Thursday, February 13, 2025
League of Power

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Going Against The Crowd!

No Inventory, Billing, Customer Complaints, Employees, Storefronts or Bosses Breathing Down Your Neck!

And This Business is Mobile!

Dear Entrepreneur:

Some people have been horrified by the recent swings in the stock market. And rightly so… most of these “swings” have been to the downside, and most investors (say 90%) don’t have a clue how to make money in a collapsing market.

But for successful day traders, wild swings and volatility is a friend!

An old trader taught me a trading lesson in 1993 and I’ve never forgotten it:

The greatest profit opportunities occur when there’s blood in the streets.

In other words, when markets are crashing, currencies are going haywire, and people are getting laid off in droves… the carnage will produce a flood of opportunities to make money.


How to Profit from Government Spies

Good news: there IS a way to directly get back at the crooks in the establishment who smashed the dreams of generations. And this under the radar opportunity has even been government sanctioned?

Make no mistake, what I’d like to send you could easily be all you need to live a luxury retirement at the expense of the fat-cats who screwed you over?

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This doesn’t mean you take advantage of people in a crisis.

It means taking advantage of profitable opportunities.

Okay…let’s talk about making money in the stock market….as a day trader.

Trillions of dollars have been lost in the past two years. It’s been amazing how much has been lost but even more incredible is the number of people who are still clueless.

Millions Can Be Made Going Against the Crowd

You don’t hear about millions of dollars people have made “going short,” or the people who’ve made money quickly buying and selling volatile stocks.

Part of the reason for this is Wall Street is owned…lock, stock and barrel…by a few firms…and they also own the financial media.

I know…….it’s ridiculous to think there’s a great conspiracy or a “grand illusion” being played…but it’s partly true.

But let’s get into who’s behind the curtain another time.

The bottom line is you can make money in the stock market as a day trader.How much money you make depends on your understanding, insight and experience.

It also helps to have some money in a trading account…enough to make mistakes and continue trading.

But fear not!

I’ve enclosed some information to help you gain some understanding and insight.

You’ll need this in order to get started quickly.

What’s the Deal with Day Trading?

Day trading stocks is a business that has a lot going for it.

There’s no inventory, no billing, no customer complaints, and no bosses breathing down your neck!

On top of that, you can run this business from the comfort of your home, office, or even on the road.

I have successfully day traded stock index futures from my home office, so I know it can be done.

The profit potential of this business is substantial… if you approach it like a business.

The problem is almost everyone who jumps into day-trading (or any speculative investment, for that matter) does it like an amateur.

And amateur traders always lose over the long run. Don’t kid yourself… you can lose money in this business….seasoned professionals do it all the time!

But the difference between an amateur and a professional trader is a professional consistently walks away with a profit. The best traders don’t try to double, triple, or quadruple their money after a winning trade. Amateur traders, on the other hand, are most susceptible after a big win.

It’s like watching people after a hitting a huge jackpot in Las Vegas. Big winners think they’ve got the world by the tail. They believe they’re invincible! And so they “let it ride,” which is why most gamblers eventually lose whatever they win…most of the time.

Okay, on to the business of day trading stocks… If you day-trade, you’ll be competing head-to-head with seasoned professionals. The best professional traders do not approach this business as a hobby. If you watch the most successful stock day traders very closely, you’ll see a pattern. One of those patterns is removing profits from the market.

I’m talking about removing actual profits, real money from the market and placing it into a separate account. I had to learn this lesson the hard way when I first started out…but learn it I did! I’ll explain a great “profit removal strategy” in a second.

But first, did you know you can make as much money when the stock market falls (and usually more) as when it’s flying high? It’s true.

Most people don’t realize you can make astronomical amounts of money when a stock or an index goes down, just as you can when it goes up. This is accomplished by using a strategy called “shorting” the market or “writing calls and puts.”

On top of that, you can even make money if the price of a stock doesn’t move… using an options strategy called “straddling” or “writing a spread.”

But I’m getting ahead of myself with this market lingo. Just know that if you master these aspects of day-trading it could be the best financial education you ever receive.

When the secret of “writing” (selling) options on stock index futures finally made its way into my thick skull it was one of the most exciting periods in my business life.

The Nuts and Bolts of a Day-Trading Business


Heads I Win, Tails I Win

Before I explain further, let me strongly emphasize something: this is NOT one of those trading systems that recklessly gambles on a 50/50 chance! The reason I say this is because when I tell you what this money-pump revolves around, you might be inclined to think otherwise.

I’m not participating in the silly ‘losers game’. The game where one person is betting against the other or where one person is selling a stock, currency or commodity and the other buying.

It doesn’t matter which way the price goes- up or down. As long as there’s significant volatility in the price, I make money.

Click here for all the details:

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Most people think day-trading is purchasing a stock in the morning when the exchange opens… and selling it just before the market closes. That works.

But some day-traders make substantial stock purchases ($100k, $200k or more) and hold their positions for only a few hours.

Here’s an example:

A day-trader purchases $2,500 worth of a pharmaceutical company stock when the market opens. (He may have learned that the FDA just approved the company’s new drug.)

The stock opens at $5 a share, so the day-trader holds 500 shares. As he expected, the stock soars to $10 a share, drops back to $8, and stays there for the rest of the morning.

But just before noon, the stock soars again… and this time it reaches $12 a share. The day-trader seizes the opportunity and sells 500 shares at the market for a profit.

Here’s the math on this trade:

500 shares x $5 = $2,500 (initial investment)

500 shares x $12 = $6,000

$6,000 minus $2500 = $3,500 net profit (minus broker’s commission)

As incredible as it sounds, opportunities like this happen all the time.

There Are NO Magic Stock-Picking Formulas

(But There’s a Tactic that Works Almost Every Time)

I think people lose more money on “magic” stock-picking systems than they do in the market. There are no magic stock picking systems… but you probably already know that.

However, there is one thing that will help you make more money as a day trader (or even a longer term investor) than anything else… common sense.

I’m not kidding. Look, by using common horse sense you can determine the “likelihood” of a stock rising or falling.

For example, which companies tend to do extraordinarily well in late August early September? Well, what do millions of kids usually do in late August early September?

Hint: It’s back to school time. So they need to buy stuff!

And they drag their parents to Wal-Mart, Costco, Best Buy, Target, and Kmart and buy cartloads of school supplies, the latest fashion accessories, etc. The stocks for retail giants like these have done consistently well during the “Back to School” season. That is what I mean by common horse sense.

Now, ask yourself which companies have been consistently weak in August/September?

Home sales drop when it’s time to go back to school. It’s true. If you look at a chart of home sales over the last 20 years, you’ll see a clear drop off into September. Most people are settling in after a long enjoyable summer.

So home building stocks would make a good candidate for day

trading during the “Back to School” season (going short or

selling them!).

How to “Go Short” Individual Stocks

Going “short” or selling individual stocks is different than going “short” in the futures market. In the futures market, an investor can sell stock index futures without actually owning a particular stock. That’s right.

But in the stock market an investor must “borrow” an underlying stock in order to “sell” it.

In order to sell stocks you don’t own you must borrow them from your broker, sell them, and then replace the stocks by purchasing them at a later date.

For example, let’s say stock X is currently offered at $5 per share. You believe stock X will trade much lower than $5 per share. And so you “borrow” the stocks from your broker at $5 per share. The next day the stock plummets to $1 per share – at this point you could replace the stocks by purchasing them for $1 per share.

In this example you would have made a profit of $4 per share!

Here’s another example… and it may surprise you.

Most of the time when a company’s stock price experiences a volatile surge upwards in one day (or over a couple of days) – say 40 to 60 percent – the probability is incredibly high that it will give back part of that gain – as fast or faster.

There are numerous theories as to why this occurs. No one is absolutely certain. But volatile surges (and declines) of 40 to 60 percent followed by a “retrenchment” occur quite frequently.

For example, recently Sun Microsystems stock (symbol JAVA:US) surged more than 60 percent in one day, and then retraced almost all of the gain shortly thereafter. Seasoned day traders love this anomaly in the markets.

Therefore, it’s a good idea to be aware of volatile surges or declines of 40 to 60 percent in a short time frame.

What’s more, the most experienced day traders make money when a stock is surging, and turn around and make money when it falls back.

Granted, this type of strategy is only suggested when you have some experience (and profits) under your belt.

The stock market as a whole generally moves with a predictable ebb and flow. But dozens of individual stocks may skyrocket (40 to 60 percent increases or more) on any given day – and then fall back just as fast.

When you open a day trading brokerage account you will be required to post a margin, or have enough money in your account to trade. This is like a deposit.

The margin requirements for day trading accounts vary from brokerage to brokerage. And some brokerages cater specifically to day-traders.

There are ways to start out small with this business, too. You don’t have to make $100,000 stock purchases to make a living as a day trader by any means.

I’ve known day-traders who’ve started part-time with less than $2,500. But of course you can open a day-trading account at many brokerages for $1,000.

Stock Traders’ Insider Secret: Making Extra Money by Writing Options

You can also make a very good living by “writing” (selling) covered options on the stock you own. Writing covered options is easy.

Let’s say you own $1,000 of Dell stock (currently trading at about $10 per share). You believe the stock is overvalued.

Note: Most investors can’t (or won’t let themselves) think this way. If they own a stock, they become emotionally attached to it, and believe it will only go up in price.

As a day-trader, you MUST understand this is a business, and you should try to keep your emotions out of it. Stock prices plummet just as much as they rise (as we’ve seen recently).

Anyway, you believe that Dell stock is overpriced… although it keeps ticking higher in the market. This could be a great time to write covered calls on your stock.

You buy and sell options the same way that you buy and sell stock, and, again, you can do all of this online, from your laptop and in the comfort of your home.


Let’s say we believe Dell stock is overvalued at the current price ($10 per share). Let’s also assume we own $1,000 of Dell stock (100 shares).


Now we’re going to sell 50 “Dell 11” May call options. All options have expiration dates. In this example we choose May expiration so time works in our favor. Let’s say the current premium (cost) for the “Dell 11” May call option is around 40 cents.

This means if you sell 50 “Dell 11” May call options you would receive about $20 in your account – immediately.

If the price of Dell stock does not reach $11 by May 1 you would be entitled to the entire premium of $20.

I realize you’re not going to retire on trades like this!

But hundreds of thousands of call and put options are bought and sold every day! So the potential for larger and more profitable trades exists.

Obviously, the call option buyer will not exercise his option to buy the stock at $11 per share if the stock is still trading below $11 because he or she would lose money.

So when the call options we wrote (sold) expired and we would pocket the entire “premium”. As I said, a $20 profit in three months is not exactly “big bucks.”

But writing covered options is a great way to accentuate your profits as a day-trader.


This Drug Dealers Secret
Could Make You Rich

I’m going to show you a secret that international drug dealers have been using for decades. But now you can cash-in on the same system for the very first time … and without risking a long spell behind bars!

Click below for the shocking details:

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And once you master option writing, you can make much more!

This is just one example of what can be done.

Your humble host,

Marc Charles

(Ed Note: Marc Charles is referred to as “The King of Business Opportunities” ….and for good reason. He should be known as “The King of Legitimate Business Opportunities”…because he’s launched, bought, sold reviewed and advised on hundreds of businesses and money making opportunities. He understands legitimate opportunities. Marc has agreed supply League of Power members with crucial updates regarding legitimate business and money making opportunities.)

***** Action Strategy *****

Day trading is a viable business opportunity. Take time today to explore the opportunities.

You can do this business “on the side” with very little start up capitol.

Most day-trading accounts can be opened with less than $2,000.

Talk to other successful day traders on the sites and forums listed in this issue.

There are basically two ways to approach investing or day trading:

>Fundamental analysis

Technical analysis is based on statistics, mathematics, charts, and trend-following software.

There are hundreds of software programs available to assist your day-trading activities. Two programs I like are those offered at and

Fundamental analysis is based on facts, news, reports, company reports, supply, demand and seasonal patterns.

Two websites I like to use for fundamental analysis are and

It’s a good idea to gain an understanding of the basics before you buying and selling stocks as a day-trader.

Warning: There is a risk of financial loss when trading stocks. You can lose more than your initial investment. Only trade with money you can afford to lose.

There is hundreds of online trading tutorial websites available on the Internet.

The fastest way to get started in this business is to find a reputable brokerage familiar with day-trading strategies.

The next step would be to submit an account application and deposit.

You can even start trading on paper before risking a dime!

When you’re comfortable with the basics of day-trading then start trading in real-time with real money.

This is a great side-line or full time business.

**********Valuable Resources**********

RJ O’Brien

Financial Chat

InvestorLinks (a huge resource to find just about anything, including stock brokerages)

Recommended Books

The Electronic Day Trader: Successful Strategies for On-line Trading
by Marc Friedfertig

Around the Horn: A Trader’s Guide to Consistently Scoring in the Markets
by Adrian F. Manz

Financial Freedom through Electronic Day Trading
by Van K. Tharp and Brian June

Recommended Books Continued

Trading for a Living: Psychology, Trading Tactics, and Money Management
by Alexander Elder

A Beginner’s Guide to Day Trading Online
by Toni Turner

The Complete Guide to Day Trading Stocks
by Jake Bernstein

Day Trading Brokerages




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