Friday, February 14, 2025
League of Power

The League of power

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Vax Censorship: Google Suppressing This Term to Protect Pfizer & Moderna

Santino Godoy Blanco was a cute, energetic 4-year-old who was chosen to be Argentina’s poster-boy for the Covid shots. Was. His face is plastered all over Argentina as part of that nation’s “Activas Vacunas!” (“Active Vaccines!” or “Go Vaccines!”) campaign. He died last week from a “lung infection.” All the usual liars have plastered the internet with Fact Check articles claiming that it’s totally normal for healthy, active 4-year-olds to die from lung infections and it’s a nutbag conspiracy theory to think that little Santino could have possibly died from anything else, especially the you-know-what.

Google and the other tech companies have been censoring the term “died suddenly” for months now. Google is actively suppressing search results. The hashtag #DiedSuddenly is trending, but who knows how long it will be before Elon Musk starts tamping that down. There was a Died Suddenly group of Facebook that exploded to more than 300,000 members in a few short weeks, as people shared their heart-wrenching stories, before Zuckerburg eliminated the page. The Died Suddenly group died suddenly for “violating community standards.”

Did you see the reporter from Singapore a few days ago, who was reporting on the COP20 meeting in Sharm El-Sheik, Egypt? She collapsed in a live news report. She looked like a healthy 25-year-old. How many times have you seen media figures just conk out like that on live TV since the vaccine rollout? The very first nurse in the country to get the vaccine collapsed and then vanished from the public eye.

“She’s fine!” they told us. “She just faints all the time! Totally normal!”

It’s slowly… slowly… starting to seep into the public conscience lately that something has gone terribly wrong. Don’t you sense it? A lot more people are dying suddenly than we used to see.


Here’s a tweet that was sent out this week by a Twitter user named @iLexxLex:

“I’ve woken up to a text saying my work colleague *died suddenly*, last night, from heart attack… This is the THIRD person aged 35-45 I personally know in less than the last month… This was NOT happening pre mRNA “technology.””

He’s right. Before the COVID shots, it was a shocking and rare event for someone between 35 and 45 to even have a heart attack, let alone die from one. It was also shockingly rare for healthy 4-year-olds to die from lung infections, and for healthy pro and college athletes to collapse and die during games. Kids didn’t use to get myocarditis and pericarditis.

Last week we talked about Steve Kirsch’s research which discovered a 117X increase in kids getting myocarditis at a hospital in Nova Scotia. And we’ve been talking about the Swiss study on heart damage since August. In a trial of 777 participants, all 777 showed signs of heart damage after injection.

Steve Kirsch’s survey that he did this past summer extrapolated that as many as 300 million people worldwide now have heart damage from the shots. Dr. Robert Malone – one of the inventors of mRNA technology – estimates that as many as 3 billion people worldwide could have undiagnosed myocarditis from the shots. All 3 billion of them are at risk of “dying suddenly.” Pause for a second and ponder the fact that they’re censoring the guy who INVENTED the mRNA technology in the shots. We could be facing a mass extinction event in the next few years if some of these estimates turn out to be true.

So many people have died suddenly in Denmark this year, in the 20- to 49-year-old age group, that the government banned the shots for people under 50. We’ve also talked about the fact that all-cause mortality is through the roof in not only Denmark, but in all countries that are heavily vaccinated. The least-vaccinated country in the entire world is Bulgaria, and they’re the only country that had negative all-cause mortality growth in 2021.

On the one hand, I kind of want to jump on Santino Blanco’s parents for vaxing their 4-year-old, which obviously led to his death. On the other hand, I do feel terrible for them. We see how much Google, Facebook and other companies have suppressed truthful information in this country. Can you imagine what they’re up to in countries like Argentina, which have no guarantees at all on Freedom of Speech?

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