Tuesday, February 18, 2025
League of Power

The League of power

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Number of Athletes Injured or Killed by the Vax Jumps to 300

As recently as November, we thought that the vaccine injuries among amateur and professional athletes totaled 186 injuries, with 106 deaths. It turns out those numbers were low. A group has now compiled the definitive list of vaccine-related injuries and deaths among athletes around the world. As of the first week of December 2021, the COVID vaccines have caused serious heart-related, career-ending injuries in 292 young, healthy athletes, with 167 deaths.

Governments around the world have now begun vaccinating children as young as five – and we are already starting to see the nightmarish results of these ghoulish experiments.

The Gateway Pundit reported this week that a 7-year-old girl suffered a stroke and brain hemorrhage one week after receiving the Pfizer shot. The chances of this tragedy being a result of anything other than the COVID shot is statistically zero. 7-year-old children don’t have strokes.

The Los Angeles Times reports that schools in L.A. are bribing kids as young as 11 and 12 with pizza in order to get the COVID shot without parental consent. Nurses are also urging the kids to not tell their parents that they have been administered this experimental gene serum.

Meanwhile, the website Good Sciencing has compiled a comprehensive list of 292 athletes that have been injured or killed by the COVID shots since last January 1st. They have also identified an additional 9 athletes who died of suspicious heart-related incidents but were unable to confirm whether they were vaccinated.

Another 18 vaccinated athletes have died, but it may or may not have been related to the vaccines. For example, several of those young, vaccinated athletes died in car crashes – but it’s unclear if the athletes had heart attacks which contributed to them crashing their vehicles.


The 292 positively identified athletes who were vaccinated suffered from the following list of injuries: Heart attacks, blood clots, strokes, irregular heartbeats, arrythmia and neuropathy. The vaccine rollout started in December of 2020, and the first vaccine-related death identified was 17-year-old Blake Barklage of Philadelphia. His soccer team won the Philadelphia Catholic League championship on New Year’s Day. Blake died of a heart attack shortly after the game.

A handful of players dropped each month between January and May of this year, and about 60% of them died each month. A big uptick in healthy athletes dropping from heart attacks began in June. That month, 18 players collapsed during games and 12 of them died as a result of their vaccine-induced injuries. The youngest was 16 and the oldest was 49. The 16-year-old was in Singapore, where they started vaccinating teenagers in May.

In July, 24 vaccinated athletes collapsed and 17 of them died. They were all between the ages of 15 and 48. In August, another 35 athletes collapsed and 18 of them died. Age range: 17 to 49.

The number of collapses and deaths continued to climb through September (49 collapses and 23 deaths), October (66 collapses and 36 deaths) and November of this year, as governments around the world forced athletes to take the shots in order to compete in their respective sports. Soccer, football, volleyball, cycling, basketball and long-distance running are the sports that have been most affected thus far. November brought 54 athlete collapses and 31 deaths.

We are only one week into December of 2021 as of this writing, and there have already been 11 athletes who collapsed during competition this month. Six of them died. The number of professional soccer players who died of heart attacks during games in 2021 has climbed approximately 700% over any previous year. 57% of the athletes listed died as a result of the vaccines, and most of the remaining 43% will never be able to participate in sports again because the heart attacks or strokes that they suffered.

Young and healthy athletes are the least likely demographic to suffer harmful effects from COVID. But the side effect profile from the COVID shots is horrifying, particularly for healthy young men. Canadian authorities have determined that males under the age of 20 have a 1 in 2,200 chance of developing pericarditis within two weeks of taking their first COVID shot. As the months go by, these forced vaccination programs are looking more and more like a crime against humanity.

If you want to see the full list of 292 athletes who have collapsed and/or died from the vaccines, Good Sciencing has compiled it HERE.

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