Until we see evidence that proves otherwise, we should assume that the Biden White House was directly behind the shooting and attempted assassination of Donald Trump last weekend. None of the evidence that we’ve seen thus far suggests otherwise. Joe [...]
Democrat megadonor, George Soros, might be singlehandedly keeping the leftist party in power – and it’s safe to say he’s being rewarded quite nicely for doing so. The foreign-born billionaire, in case you’re not familiar, is about as anti-Trump and [...]
In the same way your average regular joe illegal alien has been taking advantage of Joe Biden’s open borders policy, so too have some EXTREMELY dangerous organizations like ALL of Mexico’s drug cartels AND ISIS. Cartels have basically seized control [...]
After insisting that the Great Replacement Theory was nothing more than a conspiracy theory hatched up by a bunch of Republican bigots, the government just admitted it is in fact VERY real. A couple of officials inside Biden’s State Department [...]
Joe Biden gave the game away back in 2020 when he boldly proclaimed that the Democrats had organized “the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” The Democrats were oddly overconfident in 2020, hiding [...]
Joe Biden’s radical government is once again looking to control the American people in the way that only true communists would! The Department of Energy (DOE) is back at it again, unveiling a new set of DISASTROUS regulations which will [...]
If there was any doubt about the fact that the Biden regime is working with the DOJ to persecute President Donald Trump ahead of the 2024 election, newly underacted documents just completely eliminated that doubt! The documents, released by Judge [...]
In 2020, the Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL) was used by Left-Wing billionaire Mark Zuckerberg to rig the election in the Democrats favor. Now CTCL is back at it again – only this time Biden is giving them [...]
Amid the revelation that Biden plans to reimpose the COVID tyranny which nearly destroyed America the last time around, the CDC and some of their allies in the media are gaslighting us, trying to suggest that it’s all in our [...]
Joe Biden’s White House pressured Facebook into altering its algorithm with the specific intent of boosting the reach of their liberal media allies that were willing to spread COVID propaganda on their behalf. The revelation was made thanks to new [...]