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Next Time You Point a Finger, I’ll Point You to the Mirror

Fair warning to you…I’m writing this letter in a very pissed off mood. I will most likely come across a little harsher than I normally do. So if you are feeling sensitive today, DO NOT READ ANY FURTHER.

The reason for my harshness today is because I received a note from a reader asking for a little bit of help. Well that’s how he put it at least. What he really wanted was a handout.

I should reveal the guy’s full name because he’s deserves a bit of public humiliation but my wife (and my legal counsel) talked me out of it so for the rest of this article I refer to said slacker as MT.

MT emailed me yesterday and explained he was in a tight spot. He lives on a fixed income with very little extra spending money each month. So little, in fact, that he spends almost every day sitting at home, watching TV. He wants to make more money so he can lead a better life, but he can’t afford any money making systems. He’s stuck in a revolving door and can’t get out. He asks me if I could find it in my heart to send him one of my tutorials or videos on how to make money for free. He would be ever indebted to me.

Before I tell you how I answered MT’s request let me first say that I get this request nearly every day. I’ve heard every sob story in the book on why he or she can’t afford to buy my money making system.  I’m going through a divorce…I have 2 kids in college…I have bad credit…blah, blah, blah.


Now before you think less of me I feel compelled to say I’m not a totally cold-hearted individual. I realize sometimes people need a helping hand to get back on their feet or to get out of a jam. I am able and willing to lend support to an individual from time to time.

What I am not willing to do is be a door mat for people. Whenever I speak at conferences I tell people to look around the room, look at your fellow attendees. Most of them won’t make it. They won’t put in much effort at all and therefore never get rich.

Just showing up isn’t good enough. Neither is being rewarded for doing next to nothing. This country has bred a nation of people who expect to be rewarded just for showing up or breathing. We’ve developed a culture of people who ask, “Where’s mine?”

How do I know that MT is someone worthy of the entitled tag instead of someone who needs just a little bit of extra help along the way?

In this day and age everyone has the ability to make extra money. If it was 25 years earlier I might agree with MT that he doesn’t have it easy trying to make a bit of extra cash. But that’s simply not true anymore.

It’s never been easier than it is right now, Monday, November 11th, 2013, to make money easily and quickly.

We’ve all heard the phrase you need money to make money. In general that’s a very true statement. But living in the internet age you can make money without spending hardly any money at all.

Only got $20 to invest in an business? No problem, that budget is workable.

For example, you can go to any online retailer and sign up for their affiliate program for free. has a great affiliate program.  There you can sign up to become an authorized re-seller for a gazillion different products, pick anything that tickles your fancy. It will take you just a few clicks and a few minutes to do it.

Then you can go to and buy a website domain for just $13. Set up a website for free using, write up a one page advertisement or use the marketing materials your Amazon affiliate partner gave up, print off a few copies and put them in people’s mailboxes around town or at local stores.

You can even write a few blog posts about how to use the products you sell so Google will pick up your content and display it in organic search results so you get free web traffic to your website.

Have more than $20 to spend? If you’re willing to invest $100 then you could set up a Google Adwords account (its free to sign-up) and get web traffic that way. You’ll get hundreds, maybe thousands of people to come to your webpage and buy products from you.

The great thing about being an affiliate is that you don’t have to worry about processing credit cards, shipping out products, dealing with returns or exchanges. The other company does all that for you. You just sit back and collect checks.

Or you could gather up excess items in your house and anything you can collect from your family, friends and neighbors and sell it on Ebay.

Don’t have anything to sell? My wife has a friend who takes $20 a week and buys items she finds interesting at Goodwill and re-sells them on Ebay. One month she made $2,000 doing this.

This is why I said “NO!” to MT’s request for a free copy of my how to make money online system. There are so many ways he could have scraped together just $97 for a fully automated, money making online business system.

But MT didn’t. He didn’t put in any effort at all and now he wants me to foot the bill. It’s so dang easy to make money online right now that I cannot justify giving my time and money to someone who will not even put in the slightest bit of work.

If I would have sent MT a free copy of my system he most likely would have opened the package and declared it not for him.

How do I know this?

I have only to look at MT’s email for proof that MT doesn’t like to put in any effort at all. He writes the email as if he’s a victim and has no way out of his current financial situation. I can’t help anyone with that kind of mentality.

Like I said before there has never been an easier time than right now to make money online. The internet has made the barrier of entry into starting your own business virtually zero.

Before the internet if you wanted to start your own business, you’d of had to buy stock to sell, lease a retail location, buy an inventory management system, purchase a cash register and credit card processing machine,  and all of the other expensive and risky bullshit that goes along with owning your own business.  You most likely would have run into a problem here or there and felt stressed out from all the money you had to invest. But the internet has eliminated all that risk.

Now you can put up a website for free, become an affiliate so you don’t have to invest in materials to sell, or process payments or deal with shipping and returns. You don’t even have to be present to make sales! You can be sleeping or out enjoying life while money comes into your account!

Next time you wish you could make more money but feel trapped by low wages or poor savings, remember that you are living in a day and age where it has never been easier to get rich.

To your future and mine!

Mark Patricks

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