The Liz Cheney Committee has voted unanimously to subpoena President Donald Trump over the mostly peaceful election justice protest that took place on January 6, 2021. I don’t ask for much in life, but can we please have this event be televised? Pretty please? I would finally tune in to watch one of the committee hearings if that happened. Heck, I’d pay good money to see it! Can you imagine how President Trump, filled with righteous fury over the 2020 election, would manhandle that pack of dimwits running this kangaroo court? It would be the most heavily watched television event in history.
Bitter Liz Cheney, who lost the Wyoming primary by 40 points earlier this year, issued this statement in the hearing Thursday:
“We will focus on President Trump’s state of mind, his intent, his motivations, and how he spurred others to do his bidding. And how another Jan. 6 could happen again if we do not take necessary action to prevent it.”
Here we go again with the mystical mind reading powers of the Democrats!
As I’ve noted on more than one occasion, the first fake impeachment of Donald Trump over the Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine hoax had an unhealthy obsession with reading President Trump’s mind. That’s a pretty amazing super-power that Democrats seem to have. They know that Trump is presumed evil and guilty, so they just automatically know that he’s thinking evil and guilty thoughts.
The first Articles of Impeachment against Trump in 2019 insisted that they could read his mind. They knew that he meant to issue a quid pro quo to the Ukrainian president, even if Trump didn’t actually verbally articulate a quid pro quo. That’s the power of mind-reading in a criminal proceeding. It’s kind of tough to overcome the arguments of someone who claims to know what you’re really thinking.
And that’s exactly why Liz Cheney said they plan to focus on Trump’s “state of mind.”
As for Trump’s intent and motivations on January 6, we do know those. When the president delivered his speech that morning, there were one million protesters in DC. They had come from as far away as Hawaii and Alaska to protest an election that everyone knows was stolen. But while Trump delivered his speech in front of a small number of those protesters – most were too far away from him to hear the speech anyway – he was really talking to an audience of ONE.
That one person was Mike Pence.
The point of Trump’s speech the morning of January 6 was to urge Pence to do his job as President of the Senate. While presiding over the counting of the electoral college votes on January, Pence had plenary power to reject votes from states where the outcome was fishy: Arizona, Georgia, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Nevada.
Pence, unfortunately, turned out to be a coward. History came calling, and he hid under his desk. I paid $6.79 a gallon for regular unleaded last week as a result.
Trump’s intent and motivation was to bolster Mike Pence’s courage, so that he would faithfully carry out the duties outlined in the Electoral Count Act. The results of the election in those six states were legally uncertifiable, and the Vice President was the last person with the authority to stop those states from being certified.
This was not an attempt to “overturn democracy.” It was an attempt to save democracy. It’s not as if Trump would have suddenly been re-inaugurated on January 20th if Mike Pence had done his duty. If Pence had done his patriotic duty, the states in question would have had time to carry out lawful investigations and audits, and if necessary, carry out do-over elections.
And if it was still impossible to determine a rightful winner after that, there’s still one additional route that could have been taken. Congress could have held a vote to determine the winner.
These were legal processes that Donald Trump was calling for on January 6th. When Trump called on his followers to “peacefully and patriotically” march to the Capitol and make their voices heard, that was a legal, constitutionally protected act guaranteed under the First Amendment.
Subpoenaing Trump is just the next step in this fake and entirely foreseeable process. Want to see some real mind reading? The Department of Justice will indict Trump for some ridiculous crime next month, right around the time when Trump announces that he’s running for reelection in 2024. See? I can read Attorney General Merrick Garland’s mind!