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League of Power

The League of power

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What It Boils Down To

Kevin Raymond November 1, 2011 Freedom by Friday 1 Comment on What It Boils Down To

Forget 2012

That’s really what it boils down to. Last week I wrote about how the Republican Party candidates are handing Obama a second term on a platter, despite the horrible economy. Just when I thought they had hit bottom by their debate performances, they decided to go on a further offensive.


What’s In This Package?

I got a package the other day from a very good friend of mine.

In a plain brown wrapper with a simple note attached “watch this”.

This was something that was so straight forward and made so much sense I wish I’d thought of it.

I knew immediately that I needed to share it with you. Click here to read on.

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Rick Perry, the Reagan wanabee, brings up his own version of the “flat tax”. His idea is to have a 20% flat tax OR the option of keeping the same tax. So, we would now have a further layer to the IRS, one to monitor the simple tax and one to monitor the rest. Of course, this won’t fly either since it relies on the simple tax being mailed in on a post card. What Perry neglected to mention was that he would likely also eliminate the postal service, making the postcard obsolete in the process. Then, as if he wanted to out do himself, he brought up the “birther” issue, once again trying to resurrect the issue of Obama’s birthplace. If that wasn’t stupid enough, he quoted Donald Trump his personal advisor on the matter. Perry is not self-destructing, he’s self-destructed. He now stands just ahead of Michelle Bachmann in the polls, down some 21-percentage points from where he was a month ago.

Herman Cain decided to join the league of idiocy by airing a commercial “to take back America” by using his campaign manager as the narrator. The commercial ends with Cain displaying a creepy smile while his campaign manager puffs on a cigarette and blows smoke at the camera. Meanwhile his comments on electrocuting illegal Mexican immigrants is sure to play well to the Hispanic community which could actually be the tipping point in the upcoming election. And, his 9-9-9 tax plan has bitten the dust as it turns out that some parts of it are just not explicable logically…but it sure sounds good! Cain leads the Republican pack with just over 25% of the vote based on polls.

Mute Romney (not a typo) is adjusting his campaign based on where he happens to be on that particular day. While in Ohio last week Romney declined to state a position on the Anti-Union measures spearheaded by the Governor of the State, a few months after endorsing the view. His flip-flopping stance is keeping a lid on his appeal to conservatives who really don’t know which Mute will show up next November.

Now, all of this has meant a boost for League of Power favorite Ron Paul who managed to escape the week without repositioning his foot. And, Newt Gingrich has also moved up sharply in the polls…if moving ahead of Michelle Bachmann, Rick Santorum and Rick Perry is considered an achievement.

The opposition: well, Obama looks positively Presidential compared to the other side, basking in the demise of Gadafi, issuing executive edicts to help those underwater refinance their mortgages, those with student loans to repay more affordably and announce a pull out of all troops from Iraq by Christmas.

The Republicans are on a sinking ship my friends and it’s taking on water faster than anyone could have predicted. The Tea Party has been muted by the 99% movement…but not before a popular and public Tea Party activist issued a statement about jobs and hiring. To be fair the entire statement has to be read to understand the context of the quote, nevertheless, in today’s sound byte world, it’s the quote that counts and this one was a firecracker: “I, an American small business owner, part of the class that produces the vast majority of real, wealth producing jobs in this country, hereby resolve that I will not hire a single person until this war against business and my country is stopped.” Yes, Melissa, you win the prize this week!

If things don’t change very soon, there will be no need to hold an election next November.


Shhh! This is the ‘Secret’ to Good Fortune

Start thinking of a ‘cover story’…

Why? Because if people notice you’re suddenly sitting on the beach or playing golf all day instead of working, they’ll get suspicious. It doesn’t matter that it was all done legally; people get jealous. You see, those people aren’t in our world and won’t understand…

You’re going to need a ‘cover story’ to explain your good fortune. Click here for details.

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