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All posts by Kevin Raymond

The Complacency Killer

The Complacency Killer

Bullish Complacency I have written to you often about volatility in the marketplace and how it can be measured, interpreted and profited from. The most dangerous time for investors is not when the markets are in panic, free fall or [...]

March 5, 2012 Freedom by Friday
Should We Bomb Iran? – Part 2

Should We Bomb Iran? – Part 2

The Iranian Threat – Part 2 My article on Iran, its nuclear ambitions, Israel’s possible response and that of the United States elicited many responses…almost as many as the articles on Ron Paul not having a chance to win the [...]

February 27, 2012 Freedom by Friday
Does Bombing Iran Make Sense?

Does Bombing Iran Make Sense?

Does Bombing Iran Make Sense? As tensions rise in the Middle East surrounding Iran’s nuclear program, the calls are getting louder to engage the country militarily. Of course, the main proponent for this stance is Israel, which makes sense since [...]

February 20, 2012 Freedom by Friday
A Greek Tragedy

A Greek Tragedy

Don’t Let the Door Hit You on Your Way Out Ah, the Greeks. The cradle of modern civilization has finally hit rock bottom. In a country where tax evasion is as popular as the Olympics, the time has come to [...]

February 13, 2012 Freedom by Friday
The Man on the Moon

The Man on the Moon

Newt Gingrich soared in the polls after South Carolina, heading into the Florida Primaries. Arguably, Florida is the most important of the early states since it represents a better cross section of the country’s diverse electorate. But, predictably, Newt began [...]

February 6, 2012 Freedom by Friday
Moves Like Romney

Moves Like Romney

Mitt Romney has just climbed a peg or two in my opinion. Maybe not as the best presidential candidate, but as a superb money manager. His quest for paying a tax rate that most of us dream about is a [...]

January 30, 2012 Freedom by Friday
A Major Case of Foot in Mouth

A Major Case of Foot in Mouth

Turkey Day Comes Early Many have criticized the Republican Nominee Debates as being an exercise in helping Obama win a second term. It’s no secret that the nominees have been battling each other with a take no prisoners attitude. It’s [...]

January 23, 2012 Freedom by Friday
A Bullish Tone to 2012

A Bullish Tone to 2012

The market is making a significant move higher during these first days of January. The S&P has finally broken over a technical barrier at 1280 which it has had a lot of trouble staying above since the late summer. On [...]

January 16, 2012 Freedom by Friday
The Ron Paul Express…

The Ron Paul Express…

Where to Next? Iowa is over. Ron Paul did not win. He made a great showing though, solidifying his place among the top three candidates…none of whom were able to garner more than 25% of the vote. A victory of [...]

January 9, 2012 Freedom by Friday
What to Expect in 2012

What to Expect in 2012

The Year Ahead 2012 is upon us and for the most part it looks like the volatility that produced more triple digit up and a triple digit down days in a single year, 2011, will continue. Volatility along the lines [...]

January 2, 2012 Freedom by Friday