Friday, February 14, 2025
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The Truth About Getting Cash From The Government

How to Collect Cash from the U.S. Government Instead of the Other Way Around!

6:22 AM

Dear Entrepreneur:

You can get cash from the US Government.  I’ll prove it and I’ll show you how in today’s issue.


What’s In This Package?

I got a package the other day from a very good friend of mine.  In a plain brown wrapper with a simple note attached “watch this”.

This was something that was so straight forward and made so much sense I wish I’d thought of it.

I knew immediately that I needed to share it with you. Click here to read on.

**End Sponsored Content**

You’ve seen the “free money” infomercials at 3:00 o’clock in the morning.

You suspect there’s a gimmick, trick or fine print somewhere.  And sometimes there is a gimmick!  I called a “free money” infomercial recently and recorded the call for a seminar I’m doing.

The sales rep tried to talk me into all kinds of other stuff, such as a newsletter, books, a DVD, a live seminar and even a “VIP Reception” with the author.   But I was only interested in the book for the cost of shipping (like the promo promised). In the end, I had to order other stuff if I wanted the “free” book!

There are all kinds of shysters pushing “FREE MONEY” programs. But most of the time what they really want is your money – free of charge!

Anyway, I think I’ve researched “free money” more than anyone alive. I know most of the gimmicks and tricks.  In this Weekend Business Blueprint I’ll show you how to get free money from the US Government without all the smoke and mirrors.

First the truth….

The Truth About Getting Cash From the Government

There’s a lot of disinformation about collecting money from the US Government.

Here are the four main ways a US citizen can get cash from the US Government:

1)    Government Grants

2)    Finding Unclaimed Money

3)    Loans (or Loan Guarantees)

4)    Surplus Sales (This is not technically obtaining money but it can still be worth thousands of dollars to you)

My focus today is getting cash from the US Government via grants.

Real-Time Grant Stats!

According to US Government Accountability Office (GAO) more than $1 Trillion in government grants were awarded to people and businesses in 2010!

More than 32 Million people apply for grant money every year!

There is more than 9,000 government or non-profit organizations offering government grants!

There are ways of getting your hands on it.

What is a US Government Grant?

Grants are not benefits or entitlements like welfare, food stamps or free health care. A US Government grant is an award of financial assistance from a federal agency to a recipient to carry out a specific purpose. Federal grants are authorized by law!

Federal grants are not federal assistance or loans to individuals.   In other words, grants are a gift NOT a loan!

1,000 Grant Programs and Growing

There are 26 federal agencies which offer more than 1,000 grant programs annually in hundreds of categories.

Here’s a sample of the US Government agencies awarding grants every year:

*    Agency for International Development

*    Corporation for National and Community Service

*    Department of Agriculture

*    Department of Commerce

*    Department of Defense

*    Department of Education

*    Department of Energy

*    Department of Health and Human Services

*    Department of Homeland Security

*    Department of Housing and Urban Development

*    Department of the Interior

*    Department of Justice

*    Department of Labor

*    Department of State

*    Department of Transportation

*    Department of the Treasury

*    Department of Veterans Affairs

*    Environmental Protection Agency

*    Institute of Museum and Library Services

*    National Aeronautics and Space Administration

*    National Archives and Records Administration

*    National Endowment for the Arts

*    National Endowment for the Humanities

*    National Science Foundation

*    Small Business Administration

*    Social Security Administration

Does an Average Citizen Qualify for a Government Grant?

There is money available! It’s not a lie, gimmick or trick.  There are thousands of free money grants available to individuals, non-profits and businesses.  But grants are not typically available for personal financial assistance.

In other words, you can’t apply for grants to pay debts, bills, loans or mortgages. However, like I said, more than 32 million people apply for government grants and every year and about 30% are successful.

Free money is available. The trick is finding out if you qualify for a grant which serves a specific public service or purpose.

There are many types of organizations, groups and individuals that are eligible to receive government grants.  Grant recipients usually fall into these six categories:


The Catch for Getting Free Cash

It is possible to get free cash, grants, scholarships, and loans for just about anything. But yes….THERE’S A CATCH! Don’t kid yourself.

What makes the lucky few who tap into this wellspring of cash so different than you?

Click here for the answer…

**End Sponsor**

1)    Government Organizations

*    State Governments

*    Local Governments

*    City or Township Governments

*    Special District Governments

*    Native American Tribal Governments (federally recognized)

*    Native American Tribal Governments (other than federally recognized)

2)    Education Organizations

*    Independent School Districts

*    Public and State Controlled Institutions of Higher Education

*    Private Institutions of Higher Education

3)    Public Housing Organizations

*    Public Housing Authorities

*    Indian Housing Authorities

4)    Non-Profit Organizations

*    Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education

*    Nonprofits that do not have a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education

5)    “For-Profit” Organizations – Small Businesses

Small business grants may be awarded to companies which meet the size standards. The most common business size standards are:

*    500 employees for most manufacturing and mining industries

*    100 employees for all wholesale trade industries

*    $6 million for most retail and service industries

*    $28.5 million for most general & heavy construction industries

*    $12 million for all special trade contractors

*    $0.75 million for most agricultural industries

6)    Individuals

An individual can receive a grant their own behalf, and not on behalf of a company, organization, institution, or government.

Individuals sign the grant application and must fulfill the requirements of the application process.   If you register as an individual, you can apply to grant opportunities which are open to individuals.

An individual cannot submit a grant application to a grant opportunity that is just open to organizations.  To find out of your qualify for a specific grant you can search the US Government Grant database here.

The US Government Grant database enables you to search thousands of grant opportunities quickly and easily.  What’s more, searching for grant opportunities is fun! You can search by keyword, category, federal agency and dozens of other criteria.

How Do I Apply for Cash Grant?

After you’ve found a grant opportunity you’ll need to apply.  But don’t worry. The US Government has made it super easy to apply for free money grants.  You won’t need to register to search the US Government Grant database. But you will need to register in order to apply for a grant.

After you’ve registered and you’ve found the grant opportunity that works best for you – you can apply!  Simply click the “Application” button in top right hand corner of the grant opportunity overview area.

Click Here for a sample Grant Application and Instruction Manual

Most of the Grant Applications can be completed and submitted online. But some of the grant applications will need to be signed and returned via US Postal Service.

When Will I See the Grant Money?

In most cases grant award winners and recipients are notified within 4 weeks. But grant recipients have received funds in as little as two weeks. It will depend on the number of grant applications, popularity of the grant and agency workload.

Once your grant has been received you’ll be able to track it on the Internet. You’ll be assigned a grant notification number which you enter into a search box on the website and bingo….track your application!

Can I Speed Up the Process?

There is nothing you can do to speed up the process as far as getting your application reviewed and approved.  However, there are things you can do to insure your application is accepted and reviewed.  The first thing you must do is fill out the applications properly. Do not add any comments, symbols or ineligible words.  But don’t’ worry…the US Government provides dozens of top notch services to help grant applicants with the process.

Here are a few of the most useful services (you’ll need Adobe Reader to download and read the pdf documents):

Applicant User Guide (pdf)

Individual Registration Guide (pdf)

Find and Apply for US Government Grant Overview (pdf)

The Life of a Grant Application diagram (pdf)

Animated Grant Overview Tutorial (Flash) Succeed Newsletter (archives and registration)

Recent Individual Grant Awards

If you think free grant money is too good to be true – think again.  This year the US government has awarded individual grants in unprecedented numbers, Most of this is due to Stimulus Plan and US Recovery Act which is designed to revitalize the economy.

Here is a just a few of the real people who received real money in 2010 as indicated by the US federal government on the website

Here’s a few more….

*    Timothy Barrett, 59, a papermaker from Iowa City IA received a $500,000, no questions asked, grant to further his craft.

*    Jill Seaman, a Sudan-based physician, received $500,000 for adapting the tools of modern medicine to treat infectious diseases in war-torn regions of the world.

*    Lynsey Addario, 35, a photojournalist from Istanbul recorded 21st-century conflicts with her camera. She was awarded a $500,000 “genius grant”.

*    A few days ago, two Seattle residents – James Longley, a documentary filmmaker, and Heather McHugh, a poet — received the kind of phone call that changes lives. They were both awarded $500,000 grants.  There are no strings attached and they can do whatever they want with the money!

*    Debby Miller received $5,167 for her B&B in Mansfield OH to help her “Go Green”.

*    Jinny Nieviadomy, a 34 year-old entrepreneur received $5,000 to help with her business operating costs. She submitted a one-page application and a simple business plan.

*    Debby Turner, an elementary school teacher from Oklahoma received $1,000 grant for her work with children.

*    Sarah Heilshorn, from San Francisco received a $1.5 million “innovator” grant to help her focus on her scientific work.

And the list goes on and on….  If you qualify and APPLY you can receive free grant money too!

Business Cash Grants are Available Too!

Business grants range from $1,000 to $1,000,000 (or more) depending on the cause.   If you have a business idea or plan, but you don’t have enough capital to get it moving forward then a business grant might be the perfect fit you.

Your company might qualify for a business grant if:

* You’re Starting a New Business

* A business is located in a small town or rural area

* A business is minority owned or women owned

* A business been hurt by defense cuts

* A business is located in a state that qualifies for economic stimulus

* A business is an import export company with financial problems

* A business employs disabled people

The application process for business grants is similar to individual grants. You’ll also need to submit a proposal which conveys why your company needs the money and deserves it.

Here’s a sample of a few business grant recipients and awards:

Strictly Business
Huntington NY
Award: $750,000
Description: PORT SECURITY

Blackfeet Tribal Business Counsel
Browning NY
Award: $32,000

Graton Technologies
Newburyport MA
Award: $92,198

Peoria Capital
Peoria IL
Award: $53, 684
Description: CAPITAL NEEDS

Vaught Inc.
Grand Prairie TX
Award: $32,996

So don’t be shy if you have a business idea that needs free grant money to get it up and running.  The US Government is required by law to disburse funds, grants and money to help businesses succeed!

New Grant Opportunities Announced!

Here’s a snapshot of NEW grant opportunities available for individuals and businesses. These may or may not be available in the future. But this will give you an idea of the kind of free money that’s available:

National Park Service
Construct Trail Bridges at Cowpens National Battlefield

Veterans Assistance and Services Program
Help veterans
$1,000, 000

Joint Fire Science Program
Scientific studies to address problems associated with managing wild land fuels, fires, and fire-impacted ecosystems.

Statewide Family Network Grants
Help Families with Substance Abuse Issues
$2.6 million

Statewide Consumer Network Grant
Help consumers and veterans
$1.3 million

Solid Waste Management Grant
Evaluate current landfill conditions
$3.4 million

HOPE VI Revitalization Grants Program
Improve public housing

Healthy Homes Technical Studies
Improve housing-related health standards

Recovery Act – Energy Training Partnership Grants
Provide training for energy efficiency

Housing Counseling Program Grant
Provide housing counseling services to homebuyers

There you have it!  As you can see there are thousands of opportunities for free money grants for individuals, businesses and non-profits. The free grant money can be used for special home improvement projects, education, travel, business and more!

The process for obtaining free government money is easy.

You’ll need to see if you qualify for a particular grant. You can do this easily on the website.  If you qualify for a free money grant then submit an application. The applications are always listed on the same page as the grant opportunity.

Grant award announcements are usually announced within 4-6 weeks, but sometimes in as little as 2 weeks.  Once approved you’ll receive a check in the mail in just a few days!


A Dollar and a Dream

“A dollar and a dream”…  This was the famous ad slogan for the NY l.o.t.t.e.r.y. several years back. Your chances of winning are virtually zero.  But hey… It’s only a buck!

Well what if you could get hundreds, thousands, or even a million people to give you one lousy dollar just like the l.o.t.t.e.r.y.?  That’s what’s happening here!

Click her to read on.

**End Sponsored Content**


Marc Charles

(Ed Note:  Marc Charles is referred to as “The King of Business Opportunities” ….and for good reason. He should be known as “The King of Legitimate Business Opportunities”…because he’s launched, bought, sold reviewed and advised on hundreds of businesses and money making opportunities. He understands legitimate opportunities. Marc has agreed supply League of Power members with crucial updates regarding legitimate business and money making opportunities.)

**Action Strategy **

Jot down an action plan. How would you like to use the money or a grant? That’s important.  Because when you approach grant or free money sources you need to be VERY specific and passionate about your cause.  Find the grant or money source which matches your need – contact them. In most cases this can be done online – provide whatever paperwork or information they request.

That’s it. In short order you should get your money or grant.

If you’re unsuccessful – don’t worry about it. Being unsuccessful is part of the game. The trick no one teaches is persistence.  Remain focused and stay persistent and you will get what you need.

Please send us your success story so we can help other subscribers!

**Valuable Resources**

Now it’s Your Turn to ‘Stick It’ to the Man

The Deep Discount Network Presents……

Insider Secrets to Cheating the

System Without Going to Jail…

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