Sorry, Americans. You don’t get to have nice things anymore, since Joe Biden decided to destroy the country you grew up in. The largest private hospital chain in America just went bankrupt because of illegal aliens not paying their bills.
Steward Health Care filed for bankruptcy last week in Texas, after racking up more than $9 billion in unpaid bills over the past three years. Forget about the long wait times to get an appointment with your doctor. At this rate, there won’t be any hospitals left in America if Joe Biden gets a second term in office.
Steward Health Care operates 31 hospitals in eight states: Texas, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. The company had to shut down its only hospital in Massachusetts completely because it could no longer pay the staff. The liberal politicians in Massachusetts are criticizing Steward for its “poor financial choices.”
As if it’s the hospital’s fault that pregnant illegal aliens show up dozens of times per month, squeeze out an anchor baby, and then run away without paying their bills.
Steward is still operating its remaining 30 hospitals for the time being, but they’re trying to sell them to settle their debts. If they fail to sell any of their facilities over the next year or so, they’ll have to simply shut them down—meaning more American communities will have fewer hospitals for Americans to receive treatment.
These are huge hospitals, by the way. When the Steward hospital in Massachusetts shut down, the state lost 7% of its entire available healthcare. The government is now frantically trying to sell the hospital to a new owner, so they don’t risk collapsing the healthcare system for the whole state.
There are almost 7 million people in Massachusetts. Sorry, folks. Maybe you should stop voting for Joe Biden if you want to continue to have things like healthcare, or schools where your daughters won’t be assaulted in the bathroom. Just a thought.
Even if we reelect Donald Trump this November, and he follows through on his promise to mass-deport millions of these foreign invaders, Joe Biden has already done incalculable harm to America. Steward Health Care isn’t the only hospital chain that’s been catastrophically impacted by Biden’s horde of illegals.
Denver Health had 20,000 visits from illegal aliens in 2023, and none of them paid their bills. The city’s largest hospital is on the verge of collapsing. The state of Illinois expects its taxpayers to pony up $3 billion this year for unpaid illegal alien medical bills.
The Yuma Regional Medical Center on the Arizona-Mexico border is also struggling to keep its doors open. One of the doctors there says many of the illegals who show up are incredibly sick and spend an average of 60 days in the ICU. They need kidney dialysis, heart surgery, or other expensive treatments, and they always leave without paying the bill. The pregnant women show up and they’ve had no prenatal care at all. Their babies stay in the NICU an average of 30 days, and then they bail without even offering to pay the bill. It’s not like they have an address where the hospital could send a bill anyway or a job to pay for the care they’ve stolen.
Less than 20 years ago, California had more than 40 privately owned hospitals. Thanks to the never-ending influx of illegals, the state now has fewer than ten that have managed to stay open. Unlike hospitals that are owned by public-private partnerships, privately owned hospitals can’t foist their unpaid illegal alien bills onto the taxpayers.
You can have mass immigration from the Third World, or you can have a nice country—but you can’t have both.
It’s hard to get a bird’s eye view of just how much damage Joe Biden has done to the country. The city of Seattle has literally run out of money trying to pay benefits out to illegal aliens. A group of illegals—all fighting-aged males—has besieged a city park and taken it over. They’re demanding cradle-to-grave welfare, or they won’t stop occupying the park. But the city is now broke.
Even if we manage to deport most of them, it’s going to take years or maybe decades to correct all the harm that Joe Biden has done to us. Donald Trump will only have four years to turn the ship around. And after that?