New credit cards laws went into effect last month. Have you noticed any changes to your bill? I have. The new legislation prohibits a myriad of credit card billing practices that have long irked cardholders. Some of the most important [...]
March 17, 2010
Easy Street
“…In the wealthiest nation on Earth, 46 million of our fellow citizens have no coverage. They are just vulnerable. If something happens, they go bankrupt, or they don’t get the care they need.” -President Barack Obama, 2009 We are a [...]
March 10, 2010
Easy Street
President Obama charged congress with creating a health care coverage plan for all Americans by the end of the year. So we wait… and wait… for our government to churn out a health care coverage plan that is both fiscally [...]
March 3, 2010
Easy Street
The latest labor department statistics say that 6.3 million Americans have been unemployed for six months or longer, which is the largest number of unemployed workers since the government began keeping track in 1948. That number is more than double [...]
February 24, 2010
Easy Street
I have the memory of a gold fish. My mother always used to tell me that whenever she said something to me it would go in one ear and out the other. And while this dysfunction has its benefits… girlfriend’s [...]
February 17, 2010
Easy Street
I was hanging with my friend Maggie the other day. We were walking the main strip in my city enjoying people watching and the warm ocean air in South Florida. We were chatting about the weather, our families, people we [...]
February 10, 2010
Easy Street
What necessity would you like to save on each month? Some people might say gas (since it’s back up to almost $3 a gallon AGAIN! Grrrrr!), others might say transportation. If you said your daily Starbucks run, then stop reading [...]
February 3, 2010
Easy Street
I’d like to tell you a story about my friend Robert. His story holds a powerful secret which I think is important to share. The secret behind the true meaning of financial freedom. Robert is a delightful person, and smarter [...]
January 27, 2010
Easy Street
Last week I wrote about saving money on your taxes. Which is great and all, but what about something that can help you all year long. I want to help you with your big expenses. Something that can help save [...]
January 20, 2010
Easy Street
Hi everyone my name is Nancy Patterson and my friend Mark Patricks from League of Power asked me to write to you about the way I live my life. When I asked him why the bloody hell would I do [...]
January 13, 2010
Easy Street