It’s been very enlightening during the pandemic to see how many members of the medical community are actually psychopathic monsters. “First do no harm” has been completely thrown out the window. If you are unvaccinated and you’re having a heart attack, some of these people would probably sit there and watch you die and take notes while it happened without lifting a finger.
In the latest example of this, a 9-year-old boy has been denied a lifesaving kidney transplant, because he and his father are unvaccinated.
In recent weeks, we’ve been talking about how this is happening at transplant clinics across the US and Canada. An Alberta woman was recently denied a transplant because she’s unvaccinated, and so was a mother in Georgia.
There have been a few court victories over these people, which have forced some clinics to roll back their insanely cruel policies. But there are still many clinics out there that have vaccine mandates in place before they will save a patient’s life.
Tanner Donaldson is 9 years old. He has stage 4 chronic kidney disease, because of a rare defect that he was born with. The good news is that Tanner will not have to go on an organ transplant wait list to find a suitable donor. His dad is a suitable donor and is perfectly willing to donate a kidney to save his young son’s life. What father wouldn’t?
The bad news is that the Cleveland Children’s Hospital is refusing to perform the operation to save Tanner’s life, because the boy and his father are unvaccinated.
Dane Donaldson, the father, says his family originally decided not to get vaxed based on religious reasons. As time has gone by, he feels even better about that decision, based on how many people are becoming critically ill after taking it.
This is absolutely true. Did you know that we’re in the middle of another COVID wave again? It’s the month of May, after flu season should be long gone, and hospitals in different parts of the country right now are clogged with COVID patients. Can you guess who they are?
That’s right. Vaxed and boosted people who are catching COVID again. It’s a pandemic of the vaccinated! Not that the mainstream media will tell ANYONE that factoid. There’s been a total media blackout on this info.
Cleveland Children’s Hospital told the family that they could not do the operation because the kidney donor (the father) was unvaccinated. Their policy states that they can’t take organ donations from unvaxed people. This is total BS, obviously.
If you are an unvaccinated organ donor and you die in a car crash, they’re totally going to rip your organs out for transplant, and they don’t care if you’re unvaxed. Why do they care if a live donor is unvaxed? Donors are usually dead, and live donors ensure a better chance of success for the operation anyway.
We also reported recently that organs from vaccinated donors have been scientifically shown to kill transplant patients from the same vaccine injury that the vaccinated person had. Their organs are flushed with spike proteins, so that makes total sense. The only safe person to get an organ transplant or a blood transfusion from is an unvaccinated person, like Tanner’s father.
It is a complete violation of medical ethics to deny lifesaving care to a patient—never mind a CHILD—because an organ donor is unvaccinated. What happened to “well-being and best interests” of the patient?
Plus, there is zero medical evidence that giving young Tanner a kidney from an unvaccinated person would cause more risk than the kidney disease that he is dying from. The decision completely disregards an urgent and lifesaving medical need, in exchange for making what is essentially a spiteful political decision. Liberal Democrats want these vaccines to be mandatory for everyone, taking away medical choice, autonomy and freedom.
Does anyone really want to live under a system where medical care is denied based on discriminatory political decisions? Guess what? This is the “death panels” that Sarah Palin warned us about during the Obamacare debates back in 2009.
A panel of nameless, faceless bureaucrats decides that a 9-year-old boy gets to die, because his family made a personal choice that the COVID cultists in the Democrat Party object to.