Well, Mitt Romney’s niece won reelection as Chair of the Republican National Committee on Friday. If you feel like you’re in an upside-down world because of this, don’t worry. It takes some getting used to the fact that the RNC is actually part of the Washington, DC uniparty that has nothing but contempt for day-to-day MAGA voters. But don’t fret about this as we’re now in the run-up to the 2024 election. Trump knows the RNC is not part of our movement. He doesn’t care about it, and neither should we.
Here’s how the vote played out on Friday: Mitt Romney’s niece got 111 votes from the RNC, San Francisco attorney Harmeet Dhillon got 51, Mike Lindell got 4 and Lee Zeldin (who wasn’t even running for the seat) got 1 vote. This is the exact opposite of what day-to-day Republican voters wanted.
Rasmussen Reports released a poll they did the week prior to the election. They surveyed Republican voters to see who we preferred to run the RNC. A plurality of us chose Mike Lindell. He led by 10 points over Harmeet Dhillon in that randomized survey, and Ronna Romney McDaniel was a distant third. It was the exact opposite of Friday’s outcome. Every poll we saw from conservative Twitter users last week had Lindell winning with more than 90% of the vote.
Why is there such a huge discrepancy between what we the voters want, and what the RNC members want?
Because we’re two very different groups of people!
Most people believe the lie that the RNC is here to help Republican candidates win elections. That’s not the case at all. The RNC is a corporation that exists to make money for its shareholders. Those are very different goals.
The RNC courts ultra-wealthy donors who are, almost without fail, Bush-era neocons. They’re the “country club Republicans” that Rush Limbaugh used to complain about. And the thing about the people who are inside that country club is, they ain’t you or me. We’re not members. Our concerns are not the RNC members’ concerns.
As Conservative Treehouse has noted many times in recent months, the RNC pursues money in order to gain power – and that’s why the national Republican Party has no discernable goals to us little folks. They do have goals. Those goals are just nothing like ours.
Because the RNC whores itself big donor dollars, its ideology is malleable. It’s why so many Republicans get elected by speaking our language, only to turn around and stab us in the back. They act like Tea Party MAGA candidates on the campaign trail, and in many cases, the RNC will donate large sums to their campaigns. But then as soon as they get elected, we discover that they’re actually just part of the DC uniparty with the Democrats.
We end up with people parked on seats that we can’t dislodge for many years, if ever. That’s how we end up with a gun-grabber like Dan “Eyepatch McCain” Crenshaw in office, or an open borders, mass amnesty-loving, pathetic, weak, intellectually dishonest senator like Thom Tillis. The RNC likes open borders for cheap domestic labor. It likes free trade agreements that allow their wealthy donor class to off-shore their manufacturing plants to Mexico or Vietnam or anywhere else but Ohio.
That’s what the country club RNC donors want, so that’s why the RNC’s ideology is so different from ours. The RNC does its best to subtly rig the primaries to shepherd weak, ideologically fluid candidates into office, so that those candidates can advocate for policies that help the RNC’s donors get richer – whether those policies are open borders, free trade deals with Brunei, or a war in Ukraine.
The RNC is how we ended up with presidential nominees like Mitt Romney, John McCain and George W. Bush. Wait, that’s what we get for our money? Yep.
And San Francisco attorney Harmeet Dhillon was never going to rock that boat, even if she did unseat Mitt Romneys’ daughter. Dhillon has been running around the past two weeks gleefully bragging when another moderate GOP billionaire endorsed her. Huh? That’s not a desire of any MAGA voter in existence.
That’s why we the MAGA voters clearly wanted Mike Lindell to be the new RNC chair. He really would have shaken things up, because he’s one of us. How could Ronna McDaniel or Harmeet Dhillon have shaken things up, when neither one of them will say out loud that the 2020 election was stolen?
Trump isn’t worried about the RNC at all, because it’s not part of his 2024 plans. We shouldn’t fret over it either.