The U.S. military recently announced that three American soldiers were KILLED in a drone attack that left an additional 25 injured and once again, the blame falls squarely on American’s INCOMPETENT Commander-in-Chief. These drone strikes were reportedly conducted by “radical [...]
There’s an old salesman tip that still applies today: Don’t talk yourself out of the sale. What it means is, stop selling when the customer says they want to buy. The longer your mouth flaps, the greater the likelihood that you’ll [...]
Does Bombing Iran Make Sense? As tensions rise in the Middle East surrounding Iran’s nuclear program, the calls are getting louder to engage the country militarily. Of course, the main proponent for this stance is Israel, which makes sense since [...]
February 20, 2012
Freedom by Friday
Wait for it…that sound that you’re hearing is a collapse in the commodities markets. Funny how the price of oil has fallen by 10% in a week – what happened? Is it suddenly cheaper to get it out of the [...]
The market’s euphoria seems to be wearing off. Maybe higher oil prices have to do with it, or it could be the slowdown in China, or unrest in the Middle East or bad numbers on the job front. It really [...]
Protests on the streets, talk of anarchy, economic strife…and that’s just in Wisconsin! The Middle East and North Africa are setting the tone for protests everywhere. Even the Greeks are back at it again with confrontations with police over austerity [...]
February 28, 2011
Freedom by Friday