Global cooling has been occurring at a rate of 0.11 degrees Centigrade per decade, despite more than 450 billion tons of CO2 being emitted by humans and our wonderful appliances and modern lifestyles during the same period. Read that sentence [...]
Every policy that has been implemented since Joe Biden was installed in the White House (not elected but installed) is designed to impoverish you. We don’t even have to compare notes. If you’re reading this, your life is measurably worse [...]
Joe Biden’s regime is accelerating their climate change agenda forcing Americans to learn to live with their radical environmental regulations and policies which entails not allowing our country’s farmers to grow enough food for us to eat. As far as [...]
Democrat Joe Biden has fully weaponized the EPA to advance the left’s radical climate agenda but his motivation for doing that isn’t to save the planet– and even members of his own party are EXPOSING the President’s secret agenda. Democrat [...]
The Chinese government is using the United Nations to enforce “climate reparations” on rival countries like the United States – while avoiding having to pay any of their own. The CCP has been promoting the idea of climate “compensation” which [...]
The Associated Press (AP) has officially sold out to globalist warming groups. The “news” outlet acknowledged it received a huge amount of “philanthropic grants” to the tune of $8million from climate change enthusiasts. You can expect them to start pushing [...]
When it comes to harping and pontificating about climate change, if there’s anyone more annoying than that Swedish teen Greta Thurman, it has to be a woman old enough to be her great-grandmother—Nancy Pelosi. Greta Thurman yells at anyone who [...]
If Americans had any remaining doubt that global warming was nothing more than a political scheme, Democrats are introducing legislation to import millions of so-called “climate refugees” to swell their voter base. If it looks like a pig, sounds like [...]
It feels like global warming has been shrinking as an issue. Sure, radical Democrats released their Green New Deal, but it barely discussed climate change at all. Mostly, it was a sad modernization of the communist manifesto. Besides, not a [...]