Multiple conservative thinkers, philosophers and historians are coming to the same conclusion independently of each other right now. If the Democrats are able to win or steal the 2024 election and consolidate their power, they are going to unleash a violent revolution in this country.
The country is collapsing in real time right now, and that type of chaos is what communist revolutionaries have always used, throughout history, to take over and reshape nations into evil, unrecognizable countries.
Some of the people talking about this probably have very familiar names to you: Tucker Carlson, Victor Davis Hanson, Mike Cernovich, Scott Adams. These aren’t conspiracy theorists. They’re serious and intelligent historians and book authors who have read the history books and see what’s coming.
Cernovich points out a famous quote from Aleksandr Solzenitsyn: “Your punishment for having a knife when they searched you would be very different from the thief’s. For him to have a knife was mere misbehavior, tradition, he didn’t know any better. But for you to have one was ‘terrorism.’”
This is happening all over the country right now.
Remember Daniel Penny? When a crazy person on the New York subway started throwing garbage at other passengers and threatening to kill them, Daniel Penny—a former US Marine—put the guy in a chokehold. The crazy guy died. For protecting strangers from a violent criminal with 44 previous arrests, Daniel Penny was charged with negligent homicide and manslaughter by a Soros DA.
Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) was tackled and savagely beaten by a Democrat and hospitalized with broken ribs. For nearly killing a US Senator, the Democrat served just nine months in jail.
Other prominent, high-profile crimes that have happened recently in districts with Soros DAs include:
Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO) having her car shot in her home district. Rep. Mary Gay Scanlon (D-PA) was carjacked at gunpoint in her home district. Rep. Angie Craig (D-MN) was punched by a random thug in the elevator of her apartment building in Washington, DC. She threw hot coffee in his face and escaped. She’s 64 years old, by the way.
One of Rand Paul’s staff members was viciously stabbed by a random thug on the streets of Washington, DC. He survived, but it was touch-and-go in the operating room. Just this week, Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-TX) was carjacked outside his apartment in Washington, DC. Three black men held him at gunpoint and stole his Toyota.
Soros DA’s are releasing convicted criminals back on the streets over and over again, and innocent people are getting hurt. You might just think, “Oh, well, that’s in a blue state and I’m safe here in Arkansas or Florida or wherever.” Do you know what races Soros is funding in 2024? County sheriffs, all across the country. You’d better figure out who is running for sheriff in your county and vote accordingly.
Not to mention the fact that every state is now flooded with foreign nationals. What do you think happens in your community next year when Joe Biden tells them they can have a free house, and all they have to do is evict the MAGA residents from it first? (This is literally in the Communist Manifesto; we’re not making this up.)
Two Soros-paid journalist propagandists were also murdered in America this week. Josh Kruger in Philadelphia, who was paid by Soros to claim that gun violence isn’t actually happening in Philly, was shot seven times inside his home by a crazy homeless person and died. Soros “influencer” Ryan Carson was stabbed to death outside a Brooklyn bus stop.
Victor Davis Hanson has repeatedly noted that the woke social justice movement by the neo-progressives is a “Jacobin” movement. He never says it, but the Jacobins were the French revolutionaries who publicly chopped the heads off their political enemies with guillotines. He’s been hinting for a while now that this is what’s coming to America.
Tucker Carlson gave a speech recently drawing exact parallels between the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia and the BLM movement here in America. He notes that the women in the Romanov monarchy actually supported the communist revolutionaries… right until they showed up and murdered the Romanovs in their basement.
How many of the Democrats listed above support defunding the police, no-cash bail, and the types of policies that have led to them being victimized? Most of them probably. But they understand that a few eggs are going to get broken when you try to make an omelet.
If many of the top political philosophers on the right are saying that we’re heading towards major political violence and upheaval in America soon, we should listen to them.
Also, remember that the major difference between all previous communist revolutions and this one is either in your closet or in a safe right now—and you can never have too much ammunition for it.