The Demand for This Business Skyrockets in a Depression!
Dear Entrepreneur:
I did a “double take” when I saw this business. A young entrepreneur questioned me about it recently and asked, “Come on Marc. Is this business for real? Most of the stuff I’ve seen on the Internet regarding this market is a joke!”
Fair enough. But I’ll show you HOW to approach this market and business like a seasoned pro.
You can make money in this while your competitors are crying about losing clients. What’s more, the profit margin in this business is pretty impressive too.
See Video SO CONTROVERSIAL, Even Fox News Won’t Air It…
Is the U.S. headed for Economic Armageddon?
As global debt spirals out of control will we start to see protests and riots here in the U.S.?
See the 30-minute video SO CONTROVERSIAL it’s been BANNED from TV – no CABLE station will dare air it, not even Fox News…
See the “BANNED FROM TV” video here…
Video names NAMES, and tells you precisely who is responsible and WHY they have purposely engineered the coming collapse… check it out RIGHT NOW before it gets pulled off of the Internet…
See the “BANNED FROM TV” video here…
**End Sponsored Content**
Millions of People Will Be Fired This Year!
A friend sent me an e-mail last week to see if I could land some “high-paying” clients for him. My friend is a graphic designer and artist.
My friend’s got a job. But he’s just sick and tired of office politics, corporate double-talk, backstabbing and the old “9 to 5” grind.
I told him about the market I’m sharing with you today.
This market and program is unlike anything you’ve ever seen before. It cuts through all of the B.S. I encouraged my friend to approach job hunting (and especially freelance work) like a seasoned headhunter.
A seasoned headhunter earns his or her living by matching the right person to the right job. Their success depends on having an in-depth perception and awareness. But a headhunter’s success is also dependent on the attitude they project in the hiring process.
Anyway, I’ll pull this together for you in a second. The business I discovered is a perfect work from home opportunity. You can set your own schedule and work from almost anywhere.
On top of that, this business doesn’t require a lot of money to get started. More important, the expenses are also nil and there’s no overhead. That’s a big plus in my book.
In other words, you won’t need a fancy office, inventory, employees, business cards, stationary, or even a top of the line computer. You won’t need any in-depth technical or career expertise either.
Most people have been fired, canned, or quietly “let go” at some point in their lives. When this happens you need to find a job.
Don’t ever forget what it feels like to get fired because it’ll help you to attract a boatload of clients. People are attracted to people with empathy.
A Quick Snapshot of This “Under-The-Radar” Business
The business is a resume writing service and headhunter.
The objective of a resume-writing service is to get interviews for your clients with the employers of their dreams. In order to do that, you’ll need to be able to write a resume and cover letter which stands out from the pack.
Okay… before I go one step further let me answer a question everyone asks…
Have You Received Your Code Yet?
To most people, this series of 140 numbers and letters mean absolutely nothing. They go on using it daily without truly using it to its full potential.
But if you follow just a few simple instructions… you could cash in as little as a few minutes a day.
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What makes a great resume?
The answer is the one that gets an interview! But seriously, there are elements of a great resume. Here’s my quick list:
1) The cover letter should be personalized and have a unique twist or proposition
A resume is a personal marketing document. If an employer has a stack of 50 resumes on his desk only one or two will stand out. The cover letter should be personalized (not in corporate speak) and have a unique twist. For example, I told a friend of mine to use the following sentence in his cover letter:
Dear Mr. Johnson:
I am probably not the best fit for your company, and here’s why…
The cover letter stood out and he got the interview and the job! (His boss even mentioned it at the Christmas party later that year).
2) The resume should be concise and be easily read in three minutes or less
The decision to schedule an interview usually occurs in less than three minutes. Incorporate the employer’s job opening, description, and responsibilities into the resume.
3) Make it relevant
Google ranks websites in the search results based on relevancy. Employers do the same thing. All of your job experience, references, and professional credentials need to be relevant to the open position. If it’s not relevant – leave it out!
4) Copy success
Contact someone within the company and ask them for their help. I know it’s a stretch! But if you can review a successful resume of an employee at the company you’re applying you’ll be light-years ahead. If you can’t find a contact within the company, ask the human resources department to send you a template of a successful resume.
5) Use the right font and format
A quick search on Google using the term “professional resume format” will do the trick. But the most universally accepted font is 12 point, and the format is referred to as “standard.”
All these elements will help the resume for your client stand out.
And though it might be tempting, there are some things you shouldn’t do to attract attention. I’m talking about using ridiculous gimmicks to trick potential employers to open a letter.
Speaking of ridiculous gimmicks…
People have tried all kinds of gimmicks get a prospective employer’s attention. I’ve seen envelopes plastered with “cute” stickers, or even use fluorescent (glow in the dark) paper!
On top of that, some people send 8 x 10 glossy pictures (or posters) of themselves! I’m not kidding. Some people have even sent interactive DVDs!
If you send a resume like this or an “unsolicited” DVD to the HR Director at a Fortune 1000 company, it’ll be thrown in the trash – or used as entertainment at the next office party.
You don’t need gimmicks to get a prospective employer’s attention. Granted, not everyone is looking for an executive position at a Fortune 1000 company.
But that’s what makes a resume-writing service so exciting and rewarding! You can provide your service to clients in hundreds of professions, markets, and industries and for every level of expertise.
You can even specialize in a particular industry, occupation, or geographical location such as healthcare, financial services, and entertainment. Restaurants are also a huge market which is growing like crazy even in hard times.
In fact, an entrepreneur I helped in this business focuses on bios and resumes for 4 and 5 star executive chefs!
Writing the actual resumes for your clients is the easy part. The hard part is finding an endless flow of paying clients. Though with an unemployment levels still high this is less of a problem.
Cheating Your Way to the American Dream
Things shouldn’t come this easy. It’s supposed to be hard work and saving that gets you to the top.
However, that’s not always the case…
Some might call this cheating… But I’ll let you decide:
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Your Humble Host,
Marc Charles
(Ed Note: Marc Charles is referred to as “The King of Business Opportunities” ….and for good reason. He should be known as “The King of Legitimate Business Opportunities”…because he’s launched, bought, sold reviewed and advised on hundreds of businesses and money making opportunities. He understands legitimate opportunities. Marc has agreed supply League of Power members with crucial updates regarding legitimate business and money making opportunities.)
***** Action Strategy *****
The demand for resume writing services skyrockets in a depression!
A friend of mine (and mother of four kids) launched a side business in writing cover letters and resumes for IT professionals in other countries like India, Croatia, and China. My friend helps these IT pros “get in the door” with powerful, grammatically correct cover letters. She had to “turn off” her promotions because she couldn’t handle the response!
You can market your services on all of the top job sites, on Google, Yahoo!, etc. And don’t forget the freelance portals, too.
******Valuable Resources*******
National Resume Writers Association
Professional Association of Resume Writers
Articles By Professional Resume Writers
The Largest Job Sites on the Internet (you can find qualified prospects by promoting your service on any of these sites!)