Wednesday, February 12, 2025
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Making Money With Online Dating

The Internet is many things, but the one thing that defines it is its ability to connect people. Whether it’s a friend a few blocks over or a relative across the ocean, the Web offers connections like nothing the world has ever seen.

That has naturally extended into the realm of romantic connections. Dating websites do huge business. And that’s where you can also make huge profits.

You’ve probably seen the ads on TV for major dating websites like or

These are two of the largest dating websites on the net, websites that charge users a fee to set up an account and to pair them with other paying users who are compatible according to a series of questions or surveys they fill out.

Actually, it doesn’t matter how these websites go about making that romantic connection. What I want to talk about today is how you can become an affiliate marketer for one of these dating websites or one of the myriad others floating about the internet.


The IRS Doesn’t Talk About This Often

Information is power and that is exactly why this isn’t talked about much at the IRS.

It’s 100% above board and has been around for thousands of years… though it’s difficult for them to track and thus making it difficult to tax.

Watch this video now and you’ll see exactly why this underground ‘currency’ is surging in popularity.

**End Sponsored Content**

Here’s How It Works

To become an affiliate marketer, you truly have the best of both worlds: you are automatically afforded the prestige of the major dating sites like and, and you also earn a commission each time someone clicks through using your affiliate code and becomes a paying user.

And as an affiliate you don’t have to worry about customer service, refunds, tech support, or anything like that. That’s the company’s responsibility. You’re free and clear once you send them a customer.

First, even before you apply to become an affiliate partner with the major dating sites, you’ll need a website of your own. This can be something as simple as a blog you post weekly that gives relationship advice or something more robust, like an informational website you have about a certain region or city, even your specific hometown or neighborhood.

To setup your own website, you have two options. The first is to go to and register for your very own website. The advantages of using is that it is free, but the downside is your web address will be appended with

Not a big deal, but if you’re looking to come across as professional, you may want to go the second tried and true route: using For a small fee (under $15 a month) you can register your very own .com web address. This will lend your dating affiliate site automatic credibility and let your customers know that you mean business. Hosting – starting at $50 per year and also available through GoDaddy – will allow your site to go live online.

With an active site, you’re ready to apply to become part of an affiliate dating network.

The Affiliate Application Process

Once your website has been approved by the dating site (check out the guidelines for each network before applying), you’ll be provided with special links that may contain the company’s logos and identifying words. These special links will be unique to you and they will be how you get paid – because every time someone clicks through one of the banners you’ve placed on your site and spent money on that major dating site, you will make a commission.

Different dating sites offer different commissions, but you can expect a return of about 25%. Some sites offer fixed-rate commissions of, say, $15 per transaction. If you have the option between getting a percentage or a fixed-rate, do your homework before deciding which to go with.

For example, if offered a 50% commission for each sale of $20 or less, or offered a fixed-rate of $15, you’d be better of as an affiliate marketer by taking the fixed-rate commission.

Another way to make money from your website or blog is by directly posting profiles from the bigger dating website onto your own website. You see, in the world of online dating, single folks need to set up a profile. This usually includes a picture, their city, their interests, whether they drink or smoke, and so on.

I’m sure you’ve run across a few yourself.

Well, you can take those individual profiles and post them onto your website. And whenever someone clicks on them and is taken to the major dating site, you make a commission on whatever purchases that person makes. If they see a picture of the gal or guy of their dreams on your website, click through and pay to set up their own profile to get in touch with this gal or guy, that’s money in your pocket.

The Fertile Business of Online Romance

The great thing about marketing dating services on the Internet is that it’s the one service that isn’t going to go away. Face it, people crave romance, to feel a connection… in all its varied forms.

That’s why I say the rule of divide and conquer is your best bet for success in being an affiliate for the major dating sites. While those sites appeal to a broad orbit of people, your blog or website can promise to zero-in on personal preferences.

Running a blog focusing on the Latin American portion of our country or people of a certain age are both great examples. When it comes to romance, most humans prefer humans from a similar family background.

Finding a niche and catering to it can mean the difference between earning a nickel or dime here and there from the general population or mega-bucks from a uniquely catered to segment. There’s a site called, for instance, that caters exclusively to Jewish singles.

And as a wiser man than I once said, “May you have success in business and love. And if you can combine the two, all the better!”


Your Website is Ready

Your websites are designed and coded for you… The hosting is covered…

And most importantly, they’re ready to take orders.

All you need to do is go here and grab it.

**End Sponsored Content**

Best of luck!

John Hollister

P.S. I’ve just given you all the information you need to become an effective affiliate marketer for the major dating sites. But here are a few more resources to help you along the road to success.


Dating Affiliate Programs

Strategies for this Opportunity

Technical Resources

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