President Donald Trump has a 96% endorsement record so far in the 2022 primaries. He’s gone about 73-3 so far, with a race in Pennsylvania still sort of pending. Maybe. Anyway, he is obviously the big kingmaker of the 2022 primaries at this point.
Many of his endorsees are going to turn out to be even more MAGA than Trump himself, and that’s a good thing. America is in awful shape thanks to the Democrats, and no matter who the next President of the United States ends up being (Trump or Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis), they will need America First allies in Congress. And out of all the candidates that Trump has endorsed so far, there’s one that really deserves our attention: Kari Lake, the right-wing authoritarian B-word running for Governor of Arizona.
Why do I like Kari Lake? I don’t like her. Not at all. I LOVE her! I might put a poster of Kari Lake on my wall next to Diamond & Silk, if it doesn’t make the missus too angry like last time.
I will gladly cast my vote for Donald Trump in 2024 if he’s the nominee. I think he’s the greatest economic president that America has ever had. If anyone can bring the country out of the tailspin that Team Biden has put us in, it’s Donald Trump.
But in the broader culture war, it’s time for some tough love. We find ourselves surrounded by a communist system on all sides. They control the universities, public education, Hollywood, marketing, all federal law enforcement, much of the federal court system, and so on. They’re embedded and we are no longer in a fair fight, as many people on the right unfortunately seem to think. These people would gladly line our families up in front of a ditch if we didn’t all have AR-15s. Unfortunately, Donald Trump proved to be too much of a softie in the end to Cross the Rubicon and do what needed to be done in the aftermath of the 2020 election.
The communist Democrats have no intention of fighting fairly anymore, so the only way to stop them is by electing right-wing authoritarians. We need to elect people who are willing to wield the power of government just as brutally and efficiently against our enemies as they wield it against us. These people will never stop their shabby, unconstitutional behavior until we start putting right-wing authoritarians in office who will viciously punish them for those behaviors.
Look at the one person at the FBI who has been “convicted” of a crime in the Russia collusion hoax. That guy altered an email from the CIA to make it look like Carter Page was a spy for Russia, when Page was in fact a patriotic American spying against Russia. That email was altered so the FBI could lie to the FISA court and get a warrant to spy on the Trump campaign and then on President Trump when he took office.
That FBI lawyer should have been hanged. Or at least disbarred and sent to prison for ten years. But what happened? He got probation! He didn’t even lose his law license!
We all know that Hunter Biden isn’t going to go to jail. Neither are any of the COVID kooks in the Democrat Party. The suicides of teenage girls skyrocketed by 50% during the COVID lockdowns. Teenage girls hanged themselves in their parents’ garages because of those stupid, illegal and unconstitutional lockdowns. Do you think Fauci is going to get life in prison for that? Or Governor Whitmer, Governor Newsom, or any of the other clowns who perpetrated that crime against us?
Not a chance, unless we start electing mean-as-hell people like the glorious Kari Lake in Arizona. We don’t like to say it out loud on the right very much, but we all feel it. We need brutally vicious right-wingers in office. She has a 63% approval rating among all Arizona Republican voters right now.
She’s talking openly on the campaign trail about putting guns on the border and finishing the wall. She talks constantly about how the 2020 election was stolen, and no one has done anything about it – and why people need to go to jail for that. She even talks about throwing journalists in jail for writing deliberately, maliciously fake news for the Democrat Party’s benefit. I happen to agree with all those positions, and especially the one about journalists.
The First Amendment as it applies to the press has always been based on an honor system in which the press at least tries to tell the truth. The media we have today does not try to tell the truth. They constantly lie to us and gaslight us at every turn. Just ask Kyle Rittenhouse. Or Nick Sandmann. Or Donald Trump.
Keep an eye on Kari Lake as she easily sails into the Governor’s office in Arizona this November. And I don’t think that office is the last one she’ll be seeking as her star continues to rise in the Republican Party. I hope not. Because she’s EXACTLY the right-wing authoritarian B-word that we need in this country.