Monday, September 9, 2024
League of Power

The League of power

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Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’s Climate Mandates Will Destroy Civilization as We Know It

What you’re about to read is going to sound like the sort of false doomsday predictions that we hear all the time from Al Gore, John Kerry, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Greta Thunberg. Tens of millions of Americans are going to die from starvation and cold exposure if Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’s global warming mandates are fully implemented.

This isn’t some wild-eyed conspiracy theory or the latest interpretation of the Book of Revelation. It’s according to calculations made by the electricians and engineers who run America’s power grid.

The Biden/Harris regime has signed executive orders to mandate all of the World Economic Forum’s “Net Zero” targets. Unless we reelect Donald Trump this November to reverse this process, or the Supreme Court gets involved and shuts it down, this process is now on rails. The federal government is going to implement these policies on autopilot.

This includes banning all gas-powered cars by 2030. Individualized clothing will be banned. Everyone will have two or three uniforms to choose from, and that’s what we’ll all wear. Beef, pork, and chicken will be eliminated from the food supply. Your only choices for “protein” at the grocery store will be bugs and maggots.


That’s just the surface stuff, however. Of greater importance is the fact that Biden and Harris have banned the burning of all “fossil fuels” for electricity generation. Biden’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finalized a new rule in April called the Power Plant Greenhouse Gas Rule. The rule has four mandates that will impact state power grids.

All fossil fuel-powered electricity plants will eventually be shut down completely under this rule, all under the guise of battling global warming.

Where will we get our electricity then? Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and Gavin Newsom are in the process of ripping out all the hydroelectric dams in the western United States. If we can’t get electricity by burning cheap, clean coal and natural gas, what will we use?

The plan is to replace these with windmills and solar panels (provided by the Biden family’s Chinese benefactors, naturally).

The North Dakota Transmission Authority (NDTA)—the competent professionals running the power grid—has just published a study showing what this would look like for Americans in the coming years. They specifically studied the effects that switching to all wind and solar power would have on the Midcontinent Independent Systems Operator (MISO) and the Southwest Power Pool (SPP).

These power grids provide electricity to Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas, Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota, as well as the Canadian province of Manitoba. According to the NDTA’s calculations—and again, these are the people who run the power grid—even if they manage to replace all natural gas and coal-powered electric plants with wind and solar, the grid won’t be able to withstand hourly stress tests.

The demand for residential power is far greater than the power that a wind and solar grid would be able to generate. In plain terms, that means astonishing blackouts that last for days or even weeks at a time. In the worst-case scenario, the power grid stays off forever.

Whenever a blackout happens, the cost that consumers suffer due to lost electricity is called the Value of Load Lost (VoLL). The NDTA estimates that between 2028 and 2055, taxpayers in the Midwest states will lose $3.77 billion while suffering through 377,000 kilowatt hours of blackouts. Taxpayers in Southern states will have it even worse. They’re projected to lose $83 billion due to VoLL, which will total 8,300,000 kilowatt hours of blackouts.

Good luck surviving the winter!

Even before we get to the point where wind and solar generation will cause the power grids to constantly fail, it’s going to cost the taxpayers $447.5 billion to build all those Made-in-China solar panels and windmills. Assuming there are no cost overruns on a government project. (LOL!)

Congress didn’t vote on this. You didn’t vote on it, either. No one did. It’s simply a mandate from on high that is for some reason being treated as the law of the land. This will lead to the deaths of millions of Americans if we don’t put an end to it. Even if you survive the blackouts, it’s going to cause the cost of electricity to necessarily skyrocket for all Americans. These people are insane, and they have to be stopped.

You can see the NDTA’s study on the effects that “Net Zero” will have on the power grid HERE.

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