One of the scariest phenomena in the wake of the globalist elites’ mass COVID vaccination plot is the dramatic plummeting of birth rates 9 months after a country starts administering the Pfizer and Moderna shots. Birth rates have already been dropping badly over the past two to three decades, especially in affluent, modernized countries. But to see a 10X or more increase birth rate decline, which is happening all over the world, it’s catastrophic.
In a couple of decades, there may not be enough people left to keep the lights on in most places. You can’t have 15 to 20% birth rate declines and expect your civilization to last long. Singapore is the latest country where this scary trend has been noticed.
Singapore is the second-wealthiest country, per capita, in the world in terms of GDP. The tiny island is also notoriously strict in enforcing its laws. They’re the country that’s always in the news for caning American tourists for breaking what seems like a trivial law in other countries. If Brittney Griner had been caught smuggling weed into Singapore instead of Russia, she’d already be dead by firing squad. Singapore is strict and its citizenry doesn’t include a lot of free and independent thinkers.
So, when the tiny island nation’s government told everyone to get vaxed, they got vaxed in a hurry. Today, Singapore is one of the most heavily vaccinated countries in the world. Almost 90% of all Singaporeans aged 5 and up are vaxed. As soon as the vaccines were available for each age group, they lined up quickly to take the shot – because their government had told them to, and you don’t want to get on the bad side of the people in charge there.
Between June and July of 2021, 80% of Singaporeans of childbearing age, between 20 and 39, got vaxed. This is a near-perfect of a controlled experiment as we could hope for. It’s a mostly homogenous island nation with a compliant population and almost everyone got vaxed very, very quickly. If you wanted to test the hypothesis of a country’s birth rate post-vaccination, this is about as good as it gets.
Singapore’s birth rate had remained stable – although low – for the past several years leading into the pandemic. Singaporean women have an average of 1.2 children, which is really bad and about half the rate needed to replace and sustain a civilization. In 2019, there were 39,259 live births there. In 2020, the first year of COVID, there were 38,590 live births. Even in 2021, there were still 38,672 live births – and that was after the vaccine campaign started.
Keeping in mind that the mass vaccinations of childbearing-aged Singaporeans happened in June and July of 2021, all you have to do is then look at the birth rates 9 months later, in March and April of 2022. So, what happened?
In January and February of 2022, Singapore’s birthrate actually climbed by 7.5% each month. That’s great news, because babies truly are the best thing in the world. But then Singapore’s birth rate plummeted in March of 2022, exactly 9 months after the vaccine campaign started. Births dropped 8.5% below the normal range, and it has stayed that way from March through June of this summer (the most recent month we have stats available from).
Between February and March, Singapore saw a 16% drop in its birth rate. Month-to-month birth rates don’t fluctuate that much unless something happened. And exactly 9 months before birth rates fell off a cliff, Singapore had a mass vaccination campaign in which 80% of its citizens of childbearing age got the vax.
And this same phenomenon is happening in every country that mass vaccinated its people. Germany, the UK, Wales, Ireland, Sweden, the US – name a country that vaxed its population and that country’s birth rate declined dramatically 9 months later. We know from the Israeli study that men’s sperm counts and sperm motility plummet within four months of the first shot. We know from Pfizer’s own “safety trials” that 44% of pregnant women were unable to carry a baby to full term after the first shot.
Get ready for lots of “correlation is not causation” arguments from the vaccine kooks over this tragedy. As always, if you vaccine fanatics have another explanation for this dramatic decline in birthrates post-vaccination, what is it? We’re all ears.