What fresh hell is this? Up to 90% of all the cheese in America is made with a fake ingredient that was invented in a laboratory by Pfizer’s mad scientists.
That’s according to a big report in GreenMedInfo. The public has no idea that 90% of our cheese is made with this Pfizer ingredient because the FDA has given the pharmaceutical giant a workaround. Cheese packaging doesn’t have to tell you that you’re eating some type of Frankenstein chemical brought to you by the same ghouls who made the COVID mRNA shots.
Cheese is a superfood that’s been around for thousands of years. Archaeologists have found evidence of cheesemaking as far back as about 7,000 years. Real cheese is traditionally made with just four ingredients: milk, salt, starter culture (usually some type of yeast), and rennet.
Today, the cheesemaking industry in North America uses four different types of rennet. Animal rennet (usually derived from beef) is a clotting enzyme that curdles milk into cheese. It’s also the healthiest form of rennet to use for cheese because the enzyme also has a peptide that makes the cheese taste better and digest better. This is the oldest and most traditional type of rennet.
The second type is vegetable-based rennet. The third is a microbial rennet that’s grown in a petri dish. It sounds gross, but microbial rennet is still a natural product that’s not altered in any way. In the European Union, these are the only three types of rennet that are allowed in cheesemaking. The EU doesn’t allow chemical and pharmaceutical companies to poison its people with fake, non-food ingredients.
The fourth kind of rennet, brought to you by the same people who thought it would be a good idea to make the COVID shots with unsafe levels of a cancer-causing monkey virus, is called fermentation-produced chymosin (FPC) rennet.
FPC is created in a lab by Pfizer using CRISPR gene editing technology. They take the genomes of living organisms and then modify them into something else that does not appear in nature. Would you like to know how FPC rennet was subjected to safety trials by Pfizer?
They fed the FPC cheese to some rats for 90 days. When nothing happened to the rats in those 90 days, they declared the cheese to be safe for human consumption.
When a company creates a new food additive, it usually has to go through a lengthy pre-approval process before it will start showing up on store shelves. Because Pfizer pretty much owns the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the United States, it was granted “Generally Regarded as Safe” (GRAS) status, despite safety concerns about feeding this laboratory-produced chemical to humans.
Because Pfizer’s FPC has GRAS status, it was allowed to skip the lengthy approval process that normal food additives have to go through.
The FDA also concluded that Pfizer’s genetically altered cheese ingredient was “substantially equivalent” to animal rennet, so food companies are not required to label this Frankenstein chemical on the ingredient packaging. They’re allowed to call it “rennet,” even though this chemical is rennet in much the same way that the COVID shots are “vaccines.”
The cheese that you buy in the store may or may not alert you to whether it contains a bioengineered ingredient made in a laboratory by Pfizer, which was tested for safety by feeding it to rats for a few days.
The bad news is that if you’re a fan of cheese, you’ve probably already been eating this Pfizer-made gunk for years now. Pfizer and the FDA quietly slipped its GMO ingredient into the food supply back in 2010. The good news is that you can stop eating it if you don’t want to ingest something made by Pfizer, which is not even a food company.
We did some research. It looks like the Tillamook brand of cheese is made with vegetable rennet, which they state on their website. They want Kosher, Halal, and vegetarians to be able to buy their cheese, so they can’t use the animal-based or Pfizer-based rennet.
The Washington State University Creamery’s Cougar Gold brand of cheese is another Pfizer-free option. Any imported cheese from Europe will also be made with real ingredients.
Why do we even have an FDA at this point?