Tuesday, January 21, 2025
League of Power

The League of power

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New Mexico Spending COVID Relief Funds on Illegal Alien Tuition

File this away as example number 1,276,482 that America’s political leaders hate their own constituents with a burning passion. The Democrats running New Mexico have figured out a creative way to spend all the tax dollars you sent to that state for COVID relief. They’re using the money to pay for tuition and college fees for illegal aliens.

Just when you think the deterioration along our southern border couldn’t get any more infuriating, along comes this story.

The New Mexico legislature and their Democrat governor approved a law to spend $75 million on tuition for illegal aliens, according to the New York Times. But 85% of the money that they used pay for this program – $63 million – actually comes from federal COVID relief funds for the 2023 fiscal year.


At a time when the American economy under Joe Biden is crumbling, and many families are wondering whether their child will even be able to go to college, 35,000 foreigners will have their tuition paid starting this fall. So long as an illegal alien student manages to pull a ‘C’ average in their classes, they can continue receiving a taxpayer-funded scholarship that they obviously don’t have to pay back.

Oh, and good luck to you American parents who have to sit there and watch as your child or grandchild racks up $180,000 in non-dischargeable debt to pay for their degree. And that’s assuming that your child even gets accepted into college, since the dwindling number of available slots is now being given to illegal aliens. That’s 35,000 lost opportunities for American college students, though most people won’t recognize it for that. We’re acting like a defeated people who lost a war, which is what a mass migration of foreigners truly is.

Meanwhile, we desperately need Donald Trump back in office to reverse the flow of illegals pouring in. No political leaders are really doing anything to stop the invasion. Texas Governor Greg Abbott still hasn’t sent in his state’s national guard troops to seal off the border, which he could do any time. Instead, Abbott has pulled a political stunt based on a joke that Donald Trump told back in 2017.

Abbott has started busing illegal aliens to Washington, DC, as he “threatened” to do. This was just a political stunt. The first busloads of illegals from Texas started arriving in DC this week. They had illegal alien family members waiting to greet them at the bus stop! Abbott’s political stunt doesn’t actually solve anything. He simply gave a bunch of invaders a free bus trip to the exact destination where they wanted to go.

Biden’s flack in the White House this week even said that the administration’s policy is that once the invaders cross the border, they are “free to move about the country.”

Tucker Carlson on Fox News expressed his disgust over Abbott’s inaction, so maybe that stunt will come to an end if Abbott receives enough backlash over it. What’s the point, Carlson wondered, of busing these people to DC when Abbott could have bused them back to their home countries for roughly the same price? Not to state the obvious, but wouldn’t that make more sense than turning them loose inside the country where they want to invade?

Biden and the Democrats are allowing more than 200,000 invaders to pour across the border every month. That’s the entire population of Albuquerque, New Mexico every two months. Where on earth do you suppose those people are going to live? Our construction industry can’t build new housing fast enough for all of them, so they’re now competing for increasingly scarce rental properties with Americans.


The supply and demand of housing has become so lop-sided in the past year that rents have increased by as much as 100% in some markets. It costs twice as much as it did a year ago to rent a crummy apartment in many urban areas, even as the cost of food, gasoline and other necessities are exploding. So now young Americans can’t afford an apartment of their own, and they can’t get into college to get an education to pay for an apartment because their slot was given to an illegal alien.

Trump famously said as he was campaigning in 2015, if you don’t have a border, you don’t have a country. We won’t have a country any longer if the Democrats are allowed to stay in power. It’s all over if we don’t retake the House and Senate this year, and if mass deportations don’t begin the next time a Republican is in the White House. Let’s all pray that the next Republican president won’t be Greg Abbott.

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