The same mainstream media that lies to us about everything would really appreciate it if you would believe them when they claim that Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) traffics underage girls across state lines. And if you won’t believe that, don’t worry. They’ll make up even more outlandish lies about Matt Gaetz!
Rightwing TV pundits – who should really know better by now – continue to treat Congressman Gaetz as if he has the plague. What would it take to convince people on the right that the media is lying to us, just this one little old time in an extremely rare instance of dishonesty? How about if the media admits on hidden camera that it’s fake news? Well, I have great news! That evidence exists!
It’s been three months since the Matt Gaetz smear began, and we still don’t have a single shred of evidence that it’s true. The media claimed that Gaetz was under federal investigation for trafficking a 17-year-old girl across state lines for sex. I’ll shout it from the rooftops again:
That is a lie.
Have you noticed that when any type of #MeToo allegations that are TRUE come out, the witnesses start crawling out of the woodwork? Imprisoned Clinton donor and fern appreciator Harvey Weinstein had hundreds of women accuse him. Nursing home killer and Governor of New York Andrew Cuomo had dozens of women accuse him of improper sexual harassment.
Total number of Matt Gaetz accusers after three months: ZERO!
George Soros owns a huge chunk of the New York publishing industry, and he’s been handing out $2 million book advances to anyone who will write (or ghostwrite) a book smearing anyone in Donald Trump’s inner circle. Everyone from Bill Barr to Hunter Biden has taken Soros’ cash. Yet not one woman who knows Matt Gaetz has taken that offer? Please.
After three months, no woman who has ever witnessed improper behavior from Matt Gaetz has come forward. No woman who is willing to state that Matt Gaetz harassed her or paid her for sex has come forward to share her story with the New York Times for a couple hundred-thousand bucks. In fact, every female friend of Gaetz’s who has been approached by reporters has informed them that Matt Gaetz is entirely professional and a perfect gentleman – and that this story is a load of crap.
Here’s what CNN technical director Charlie Chester had to say about the “Matt Gaetz sex trafficking” story. Oh, and by the way, CNN technical director Charlie Chester said this on camera to an undercover Project Veritas reporter:
“[Matt Gaetz is] a problem for the Democratic Party because he’s so conservative and he can cause a lot of hiccups in passing of laws and what not. So it would be great for the Democratic Party to get him out. So we’re going to keep running these stories to keep hurting him and make it so that it can’t be buried and just like settled outside court just and like, you know, if we keep pushing that, it’s helping us.”
I’d love to know what all the rightwing pundits who are shunning Matt Gaetz think when they see that clip. And you know they’ve seen it.
Let me see if I have this straight. The mainstream media lied to us for four years about Russian collusion and the Russian potty dossier. They lied about the Ukraine quid pro quo. They lied and continue to lie about January 6th. They lied about “two scoops of ice cream!” They lie about Joe Biden’s mental acuity. They lie about Kamala Harris’s verbal acuity. They lie about the 2020 election results, and they lie about the ongoing audits of the 2020 election. They lie about the baseball field shooting of Steve Scalise and the Bernie Sanders supporter who did it.
But they’re suddenly telling us the truth about Matt Gaetz this one time, while providing absolutely no evidence to support the claim, and there are no corroborating witnesses and everyone who knows Matt Gaetz says he’s a really nice guy?
Meanwhile, Gaetz has released a treasure trove of text messages, emails and voicemails from deranged reporters trying to corroborate anything. The reporters are stooping to threatening acquaintances of Matt Gaetz to try to find someone – anyone(!) – who will share some dirt with them.
Let me just say this one more time: The Matt Gaetz allegations are fake news. It’s a hoax.
To give you a taste of just how deranged the media is when it comes to “getting” Matt Gaetz, how about this:
Matt Gaetz is a bisexual serial killer who hides the dead bodies of his victims with the help of his father (a well-respected former GOP state senator from Florida). Oh, and bisexual serial killer Matt Gaetz is being blackmailed by people who have a bunch of sex tapes of him.
NOW do you believe the media?!
That obviously sounds way too crazy to be true, but that’s the message that a reporter left on a voicemail to one of Matt Gaetz’s former staffers.
Since you won’t believe me otherwise, give it a listen before YouTube takes it down. Here’s reporter Matthew Phelan from Mother Jones with his big scoop about Matt Gaetz being a bisexual serial killer: