A major story broke in DeKalb County, Georgia this week after a hand count of a local primary election was conducted. Every county in Georgia uses Dominion Voting Systems machines and software, including DeKalb. The hand count in the District 2 County Commission primary revealed a result that was completely different from the machine count – in every way! The results completely flipped after a human hand count was conducted on June 1st. This should add more fuel to the fire when it comes to getting state legislatures across the country to ban these voting machines from use.
Here are the results as they were tallied by Dominion Voting Systems machines on May 24th, the day of the Georgia primary election this year.
Candidate Marshall Orson won the District 2 County Commission primary with 5,226 votes. Candidate Lauren Alexander came in second with 4,382 votes. And candidate Michelle Long Spears came in in third place with only 3,031 votes. That’s a grand total of 12,639 votes in the May 24 primary election.
At first glance, everyone knew those machine results had something wonky about them. There were actually supposed to be FOUR candidates in the race. But Donald Broussard didn’t even register as a candidate in the Dominion results. Even if only Broussard and his wife had voted for him, it should have registered as at least 2 votes for him in the total. But he was just gone!
That’s part of what led to the hand count on June 1st. The actual election results in District 2 were so bad that all 16 states using Dominion voting machines should take those machines out into a field somewhere, pour gasoline on them, set them on fire, and then sue Dominion to get their taxpayer money back.
It turns out that there were 15,449 votes cast in the District 2 election for County Commission. The machines failed to count 2,810 votes entirely. And even the ballots that the machines did manage to count had wildly inaccurate results.
Instead of Orson in first place, Alexander in second and Spears in third (as the machines showed), the results of the hand count were as follows.
Michelle Long Spears came in first with 6,651 votes (+3,620 votes more). Lauren Alexander came in second with 4,737 votes (+355 votes more). And Marshall Orson came in third place with only 3,928 votes (-1,298 votes less). Oh, and it also turned out that Donald Broussard got 138 votes instead of none at all.
In a race with 15,449 votes cast in it, the Dominion machines managed a discrepancy that was off by 5,411 votes. And you can’t just say that the machines are only 65% accurate (although that’s true). Look at those vote totals again.
Votes that were intended for other candidates were taken away from them and assigned to Marshall Orson instead. Instead of Orson being the winner of the race, he was a distant third. Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger says that the machines were programmed incorrectly for the District 2 race. That makes no sense at all, however. Why were votes SWITCHED from the other candidates to Orson? I think we all know the answer to that. That’s not an unintentional software coding issue. That’s election fraud!
This obvious fraud would never have been caught and the original May 24th machine results would have been approved by Raffensperger, if Michelle Long Spears had not been in the precinct offices in District 2 on primary night. She took pictures of the precinct results and provided them to a local newspaper in DeKalb County. Those results showed that Spears had received zero votes in her home precinct!
The big irony in all of this, and a likely silver lining for Georgia voters, is that this was a Democrat primary. Voters who supported Spears raised a stink and the original election result in favor of Marshall Orson have been overturned. Democrat voters in at least this one district now know that these machines are toxic poison and should never be used in another election again.
Hopefully there will be a groundswell of bipartisan support for scrapping the Dominion machines after this disaster. Whether you are a Democrat or a Republican, you shouldn’t be okay with having your vote stolen from you and switched to another candidate.
Oh, and by the way… Mike Lindell was right!