In keeping with his longstanding tradition of being a jerk at all times, Joe Biden is very close to suing three Air Force Academy cadets to recoup the costs of their education. He’s kicking them out of the military entirely because the three cadets all refused to take the experimental COVID medicines. These three cadets trained to become officers in the US Air Force, and they met the requirements for graduation. But now Biden may not let them attend their own graduation ceremony in a few days. Did we mention that Joe Biden is a jerk?
The three cadets will still earn their bachelor’s degrees when graduation takes place next week. But Joe Biden is refusing to commission them as officers unless they take the COVID vaccine. This is coercion and it’s illegal. The Biden regime has refused to grant religious exemptions to the three cadets. Now they must either take an experimental medicine they don’t want – and which we know absolutely does not protect against COVID – or be drummed out of the Air Force.
And in the truly venomous fashion that we all recognize in Joe Biden and his team of handlers by now, the government will likely sue the cadets for the cost of their education. A four-year degree at the Air Force Academy can range in cost from $160,000 to $200,000, depending on a cadet’s course of training and overseas travel.
Joe Biden is refusing to commission the cadets over their decision on the vaccines. It’s not the fault of the cadets that they’re not being commissioned. That’s on Joe Biden. The military could have (and should have) granted them religious exemptions and commissioned them.
Enlisted airmen are being kicked out of the Air Force for refusing the vaccines as well. If they don’t take the experimental shots, they’re accused of and convicted of refusing to obey orders, and then they get the boot. Never mind the fact that by this point, we know that the COVID shots sexually sterilized 20,000 US military members between August 2021 and January 2022.
The shots also caused an inordinate number of neurological diseases among military members. Female military members who were subjected to the shots have had catastrophic rates of spontaneous miscarriages. All of this was detailed in the US Army’s DMED database which was publicly released by brave whistleblowers a few months ago.
Joe Biden has wrecked the careers of 383 Air Force airmen since his COVID vaccine mandate mania began. He kicked them all out. The Air Force has denied the religious exemption requests of 6,003 airmen. It has more than 2,000 additional religious exemption requests pending. They have only approved 66 requests for a religious exemption since last August, or about 1% of all requests.
It’s all so infuriatingly absurd. The shots DO. NOT. WORK.
Portugal is the first country on earth to reach a full 100% COVID vaccination rate. Everybody in Portugal is vaccinated. They coerced and forced everyone to get the shot, and every last citizen over the age of 5 is now vaccinated in that country. Guess which country now has the highest case rate of COVID in the entire world?
Yes, it’s Portugal. They achieved 100% vaccination compliance back on October 2, 2021. The New York Times ran a story around that time with the headline, “In Portugal, There Is Virtually No One Left to Vaccinate.” In April, Portugal was averaging about 60,000 new cases every single day. And about 30 Portuguese citizens are still dying of COVID every day in their 100% fully vaccinated paradise. Great job, Portugal! You did it!
Any military members who are still not vaccinated by this point should just be let off the hook. The shots don’t appear to work at all, and they have a horrific side effect profile. The shots can make you sick, they can sterilize you, or they can kill you. A 100% vaccination rate in Portugal has failed to stop the spread of COVID. Why would it be any different in the US Air Force? The answer is that it won’t be any different. But good luck convincing Joe Biden of that. What a jerk!