Back in early September of 2022, Tucker Carlson of Fox News was the only person in the entire media to report on an alarming development in the persecution of Trump supporters, affiliates and associates. In a massive “shock and awe” move, the FBI had moved in on approximately 1,000 people affiliated with Donald Trump. Some had their homes raided, some were issued subpoenas, and some were contacted for interviews.
I wrote about this briefly at the time, because I was one of those 1,000 people. Now that President Trump has been arrested and arraigned, it seems like as good a time as any to share what I can about the FBI/Biden DOJ witch hunt that I was caught up in.
I’m not writing about this to tell a “Woe is me” tale or to engage in some preening, me-me-me narcissism effort. I just think I have some insights about these historical times we’re living in, which you won’t be able to read about anywhere else. And hopefully some of this information will help other America First supporters, since heavy days of persecution seem to be coming for many of us.
The morning after Tucker made that report, which he never followed up on, I opened up my email inbox and sure enough, an FBI Special Agent in Charge from another state had contacted me. He wanted to interview me about my fundraising activities on behalf of Donald J. Trump between the years of 2012 and 2020, and about some specific professional associates that I worked with during those years.
I sat for my first interrogation by the FBI back on September 12, and two shorter follow-up interrogations in October. I figure it’s probably safe for me to talk about this now, since it’s been a few months and they still haven’t kicked in my door and shot my dog. But who knows?
After spending the first 12 years of my career as a producer and anchor for ABC News, I left broadcasting and got into political consulting around 2011. I found that my script writing skills for political ads were desperately needed by the GOP, since it was right around the inception of Web 2.0, the rise of YouTube and the integration of political campaigns and fundraising with the internet. (You’re welcome, Senator Cruz.)
The GOP was years behind the Democrat Party in this fashion. I found that I made more money working as a lone wolf subcontractor, rather than hitching my wagon to a specific firm, so that’s what I did for the next nine years. I left “the game” after the 2020 election was stolen (which the FBI didn’t know I had done when they contacted me).
The political fundraising/consulting world for the GOP is a relatively small one. One of my assumptions about what the FBI was doing, since this happened between the Mar a Lago raid and the 2022 midterms, was they were throwing a hand grenade right in the middle of the entire pro-Trump fundraising apparatus. It worked.
I’m sure the other 999 guys that the FBI pounced on in a single night had their lawyers tell them the same thing that my attorney told me: “Don’t talk to anybody!”
No one knew what the feds were looking for specifically, so the best advice was to keep our mouths shut. The problem with that is that all of us subcontractors in the game talk to each other all the time. We make referrals to each other to help each other out, since we’re all on the same team. Need a graphics person? Talk to this gal. Need an HTML pro for a fundraising website? Talk to that guy. And so on.
Suddenly, none of us were talking to each other, and we were 8 weeks out from the 2022 midterm elections. That must have done tremendous financial damage to the GOP, but it’s hard to quantify and nobody wants to talk about it to this day.
One thing that I knew immediately during my first interrogation was that the FBI had all of my emails, and I mean ALL of them, dating back ten years. They never subpoenaed my emails, but they somehow had them. If they end up tapping you on the shoulder for any reason, it’s no exaggeration that these guys don’t play fair. They’re out for blood, and you should avoid giving them any thread they can tug on. I assume they also had all of my texts and audio recordings of all of my phone calls for that ten-year period. (My lawyer says this is likely.)
Most of the questions I was asked related to accounting practices by the various political action committees (PACs) that I had done work for over the years. I’ve always been a “projects guy” and not an accountant, so it was pretty easy for me to answer “I don’t know” or “I have no idea” to nearly every question.
Tucker Carlson has never done any follow-up to this story for some reason. Here are some of the results of that “shock and awe” campaign that I CAN speak to with certainty. I don’t know everyone among the other 999 people the FBI bothered, but I do know a bunch of them.
One colleague who I worked with from 2012 to 2020 has been jailed and his consulting firm’s assets, totaling in the millions, have been seized by Merrick Garland. All his company’s money is gone, and he’s facing 18 months in federal prison because of an accounting error related to a company car that his firm bought for him.
Another colleague was arrested, and more than a million dollars was seized from his PAC because of a different type of minor accounting error. He’s facing a year in federal prison.
Starting to get the picture? I guess I’m fortunate that I’m not a big enough target, and I’m no longer in the fundraising world.
I think the FBI is doing everything it can to disrupt the GOP side of the political consulting/fundraising world as much as possible, in order to prevent Donald Trump’s reelection in 2024. The FBI only has about 7,800 Special Agents according to its website, and they jumped on 1,000 of us during a single night back in September.
I don’t believe the FBI is doing anything other than harass and wreck the lives of Trump associates in the run-up to the 2024 election. Which is precisely why Trump called on the House GOP to completely defund the FBI and the DOJ immediately – which they have the power to do. Trump knows what time it is, and so do I.