Wednesday, February 12, 2025
League of Power

The League of power

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Welcome to Techno-Hell: Electric Cars, Government Kill Switches & Driver “Scores”

States have traditionally generated revenue for road repairs through gas taxes. You buy your gas at the pump, the tax is included in the price-per-gallon, and your state government is theoretically supposed to use that money to fill potholes and things like that. Therefore, the electric vehicles (EVs) that they’re trying to force everyone into are making state governments take a financial hit.

EVs don’t use gas. To combat that, red and blue states are now forcing people who own EVs to equip their vehicles with GPS and charging them mileage taxes. Welcome to Techno-Hell.

The federal government is prodding everyone to get into electric vehicles to save the weather. Joe Biden has adopted a whole-of-government Green Nude Eel approach to waste gobs of taxpayer money that ultimately only enriches his donors and makes everyone else poorer and weaker in terms of political power.


In one of Joe Biden’s latest Green Nude Eel schemes, the federal government plans to spend millions of dollars on vacuum cleaners that will suck cow farts out of the atmosphere. The farts will then be stored in huge, underground concrete bunkers in Texas and Louisiana (we’re not making this up).

Meanwhile, China is building an average of two new coal-fired power plants every week. China makes their citizens richer by providing cheaper energy. America under Joe Biden sucks cow farts.

Anyway, Utah and Oregon are the first to jump on the Techno-Hell bandwagon when it comes to EVs. Utah drivers are supposed to use an app called DriveSync when they use their EVs. It charges them 1 cent-per-mile for driving around, since these cars don’t pay any gas tax.

The app also spies on drivers by recording everywhere they go, and noting when they engage in bad driving. It records when you speed, when you go around corners too fast, and when you accelerate and brake too quickly or too slowly. DriveSync then assigns you a “driver score” and shows you where you’ve been a bad driver on a digital map.

Thanks, Utah, but… I’m already married. Features like those come preinstalled on every vehicle I use.

Oregon is taxing EV users 1.9 cents-per-mile. Michigan is up next. While Oregon’s mileage slave tracking and social credit driving score are opt-in at the moment, Michigan’s won’t be. If you own an EV in that state, you are required to have the GPS Big Brother tracking in your vehicle at all times.

As we’ve reported previously, Congress has attempted to mandate government-owned kill switches in all electric vehicles. Is it so difficult to imagine a future in which the government simply shuts off someone’s vehicle if they don’t like their “driver score?” Or their political views?

In not-at-all unrelated news, Mercedes-Benz in Germany has just shut off all Russian access to its company’s online diagnosis and repair services for its EVs. If you are a Russian customer in Russia, who paid good money for a Mercedes EV, you can no longer get that expensive brick that used to be your mode of transportation repaired.

Whatever you think about the war between Russia and Ukraine, it’s not the fault of Russian civilian car owners. Imagine if Japan gets mad at America and shuts off everyone’s ability to repair their Honda Civics or Toyotas. This is flat-out fascism in action—private businesses enforcing brutal government action against their own customers.

It’s pretty easy to see where all of this is going. They are trying to phase out gas-powered vehicles, generate a new money-making scheme for themselves, and impose ever-increasing power over our lives by tracking our every movement and punishing us if they don’t like any of said movements. Restricting your right to travel is the ultimate goal. You can’t get to Washington, DC to protest a stolen election if they just hit the kill switch on your stupid electric car.

It’s easy to understand why Oregon and Michigan are going this route. Their executive branches are both run by communists. But why is Utah going this route? It’s a red state where Republicans are practically a super-majority in the state House and Senate. Someone from Utah should ask their leaders why they couldn’t come up with a better plan than “fascism” to make up for lost gas taxes.

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