Thursday, May 2, 2024
League of Power

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Trump Is Right: They Can’t Leave Fast Enough

Nancy Pelosi caricaturePresident Trump caused an explosion of emotional pain over the weekend. I haven’t seen so many Never-Trump RINO Jeb! supporters crying in their safe spaces and clutching their pink yarn hats since November 9, 2016.

I wondered, “What glorious victory could Trump have achieved over his enemies this time?” It’s nice to finally see Candidate Trump back in action – and he hasn’t lost a step.

In the spectator sport of politics, I don’t think there’s ever been anyone who does it better than our current president. If only Republicans would stop crying like a bunch sissies while trying to play by the old rules, perhaps they could learn a thing or two from him.

I’ll assume you’re up-to-date on the entire fake catfight between House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and the Four Progressive Freshmen of the Apocalypse in the House. Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) are three of the most hated figures in America, percentagewise and in real numbers. At the same time, these “ladies” are using their race as a bludgeon to push the supposedly racially tolerant Democrats further and further to the left.

AOC, Omar and Tlaib are not only going to lose Democrats the House in 2020, but they’re also going to help President Trump win reelection. Every internal poll that I’ve laid eyes on this year points to that outcome. Pelosi has seen those polls, so she has to start attacking AOC, Omar and Tlaib.

Pelosi doesn’t want to do this, but she has looked at the wall and seen the writing on it. The writing on Pelosi’s wall says, curiously, “Hey, Nancy, sorry to break it to you, but this will be Kevin McCarthy’s office next year.”

Hence, the entire feud between Pelosi and AOC’s posse.

This is Pelosi’s chance to try to reassure Democrat voters that, “Hey, we’re not the crazy party – it’s just these noisy freshmen!” Which is a lie, but Pelosi knows her base will fall for it.

Ladies and gentlemen… please welcome… the President of the United States to this catfight!

Trump jumped into the fray with this multi-tweet attack:

“So interesting to see “Progressive” Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run. Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how it is done. These places need your help badly, you can’t leave fast enough.”

Before I get into the rhetorical genius of Trump once again, here’s a sampling of the pearl-clutching that “Republicans” had over this tweetstorm:

Red State: “This is so self destructive it makes me want to beat my head against a wall.”

PowerLine Blog: Trump has “committed the worst unforced error of his presidency.”

Bill Kristol: “Are GOP leaders, donors and voters still fine with re-nominating Donald Trump for president? Do they really believe the Republican Party can do no better?”

Hahahahahahaha! When Jeb! said, “Please clap,” those guys probably did.

Behold the brilliance of Trump playing his enemies like a fiddle once again:

First, Trump has flooded the marketplace of ideas with the FACT that there is more to one’s nationality than a piece of government-issued paper. Ocasio-Cortez may have been born in America, but her true loyalty is with “her people,” i.e. every Latino from south of the US-Mexico border. She is not an American, despite having “US citizenship,” in other words.

Ilhan Omar literally owes her life to US refugee policy – but she is the most ungrateful person imaginable. She hates America and will tell you so, openly, every chance that she gets. She is not an American.

And would anyone really be surprised if the Palestinian “American” Rashida Tlaib was caught with 8,000 pounds of fertilizer in a U-Haul truck and blueprints of the Israeli embassy in her apartment tomorrow? She is not an American.

The loyalties of all of these immigrants or children of immigrants is not to America, our flag or our people. Their loyalties are to their own foreign peoples, cultures and norms. This is significant, because Trump has finally put this important idea out in the national conversation – even if the media is too dumb to catch it.

Second, Trump neglected to name these women who are “loudly and viciously” attacking America. That was intentional. The media never reports on the truly awful antics of Ocasio-Cortez, Tlaib and Omar.

Ilhan Omar called for white genocide in America at a rally a couple of weeks ago. Is that okay for a sitting Member of Congress to do? No one in the media reported it. Call me crazy, but that seems like a kind of important thing for the American people to know about.

Because Trump did not name these hate-filled freshmen in his tweet, people will start paying attention to find out what they’ve done to spark the president’s righteous fury. And when they find out how incredibly awful these socialist “it girls” really are, it will be eye opening.

Third, Trump has forced Nancy Pelosi to rush to the defense of Ocasio-Cortez, Omar and Tlaib. This was like the time when Trump forced Pelosi to talk about the sparkly wonderfulness of MS-13 a couple of years ago! Brilliant!

AOC, Omar and Tlaib are the biggest crutch and biggest obstacle to the Democrats in 2020. Normal everyday people don’t actually like the socialism, high taxes and America-hating that this trio of rhymes-with-witches is pushing. And now Pelosi is defending them because she has to defend them against Trump.

This was the first of many genius kill shots that Trump will be delivering to his enemies between now and November of 2020. Pelosi was enjoying the benefit of pretending that AOC’s posse was just a fluke in the Democrat clown car – but now she has to rush to their defense, because it’s too late to remove the tumor. You’re stuck with them, Nancy. And the rest of us can’t stop laughing.

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