Joe Biden’s radical government is once again looking to control the American people in the way that only true communists would!
The Department of Energy (DOE) is back at it again, unveiling a new set of DISASTROUS regulations which will force Americans into complying with their absurd “climate change” preventing requirements.
Biden’s DOE finalized new regulations which will gravely impact a popular appliance that is in the vast majority of American homes.
These regulations apply to common electrical water heaters and aim to force Americans into adopting the use of heat pump technology.
Heat pumps are considered to be more “climate friendly” than traditional alternatives but they also just so happen to cost SEVERAL THOUSAND dollars more and as an added bonus they don’t work particularly well in colder weather.
“Almost every U.S. household has a water heater, and for too long outdated energy efficiency standards have led to higher utility bills for families,” Biden’s clueless Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm said in a statement about the new rules.
She continued, “The Biden-Harris Administration is continuing to put American consumers first with new, effective rules—supported by industry—that save both energy and money.”
Like almost every word that anybody in the Biden regime spits out, Granholm is blatantly lying about this being an attempt to “put American consumers first.”
The reality is, as we’ve already mentioned, this technology that the Biden regime is trying to force on Americans is far more expensive and less reliable than what is currently being used—hence why almost no consumers use it currently.
Ignoring that reality, the DOE’s new standards intend to mandate that more than 50% of all newly-manufactured electric water heaters to use heat pump technology – compared to just 3% today.
The agency claims that these idiotic regulations will save Americans a combined $124 billion on energy bills over the next three decades and reduce emissions by an equivalent amount to the emissions generated by 43 million homes in one year – but it’s unclear where exactly they came up with those numbers considering that data published by the U.S. Energy Information Administration shows that Americans who rely on this technology in their homes will actually pay significantly more money – all for the sake of being “climate compliant.”
In November 2023 Joe used wartime powers to illegally deploy tax dollars to boost the production of heat pumps.
At the time Biden forked over $169 million through the DOE to subsidize nine heat pump manufacturers.
His team praised the move as an “advancement of American innovation” while simultaneously tackling the climate crisis” – celebrating it as a “win, win for our economy, our workers, and our planet.”
But the truth of the matter is that Joe Biden seized power like the dictator he claims Trump is to con taxpayers into subsidizing a technology that is STILL worse for the average American – and now he’s forcing people who are already struggling under his economic conditions to pay thousands more to adopt it.
From ceiling fans, to water heaters, to the cars we drive, Biden has made it very clear that he wants to control EVERY SINGLE ELEMENT OF OUR LIVES, and the longer he stays in power, the more damage he will do.