Far-left authoritarians are trying to reimpose a familiar tool which helps them maintain control over the masses – mask mandates.
A group which calls itself the “People’s CDC” has been doing the bidding of politicians on the left by fighting for America to bring back failed coronavirus responses such as mask mandates and social distancing.
The People’s CDC have called on federal, state, and local governments to put mandates back into effect, arguing that “the vaccine-only strategy promoted by the CDC is insufficient.”
The group has argued that resistance to masks is most common among white people, and is a sign of ‘white supremacy.’ Lucky Tran, who runs their media team, tweeted a YouGov survey, and wrote that “a lot of anti-mask sentiment is deeply embedded in white supremacy.”
The group claims that the impetus behind America’s more relaxed COVID policies is a ‘racist urge’ to satisfy corporate interests – despite the fact that these policies have been proven to be ineffective and in many cases even detrimental.
The People’s CDC is a “ragtag coalition of academics, doctors, activists, and artists who believe that the government has left them to fend for themselves,” according to the New Yorker.
They were founded by Mindy Thompson Fullilove, a professor of urban policy and health at the New School and receive funding from powerful organizations like the Kresge Foundation and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
Worse yet, they admit to having insiders within the federal government who support their cause, saying they have “comrades that are within the C.D.C. who are saying to [them], ‘Go ahead with your bad selves.’”
The group also staunchly opposes allowing individuals to make their own choices – insisting that the government should force the people to accept whatever they say is ‘right’ for the public’s health.
Zoey Thill, a family physician in Brooklyn, said that individual risk assessment essentially means telling certain people in society to stay inside forever while granting a free pass to everyone else. “For me, it’s about countering that. It’s about saying, ‘No, that’s not O.K,’” she said.
To give you a better understanding of the full scope of their policy push, the People’s CDC also has a “zero COVID” goal similar to that seen in Communist China which has led to rolling lockdowns that lasted nearly three year and severe government overreach.
Member Jirmanus Saba, a filmmaker, said that the group believes “there’s no acceptable number of deaths. We’re all responsible for the safety of all life.”
Howard Koch, a Harvard public health professor and former Assistant Secretary of Health has referred to the group’s “zero COVID” goal as being unrealistic and backward in its thinking.
Former CDC head Tom Frieden also said that the group’s call for mandatory masking is completely nonsensical and exposes that they should not be trusted.
“If you’re giving recommendations that no one’s going to follow, that’s not only nonproductive,” Frieden told the New Yorker, “It’s counterproductive, because that undermines your credibility.”