The memo has obviously gone out that it’s time to take Joe ‘10% for the Big Guy’ Biden out. Liberal media outlets are finally writing critical articles of the doddering old pervert, which is something Americans haven’t seen with a Democrat in the White House since Bill Clinton was in office. (Quick! Name one time the media criticized Obama the Lightbringer?)
There’s just one problem that is still in the way in terms of the DNC and the Deep State sending Old Joe to the glue factor. That is the barely functional retard who Joe’s team wisely selected as his running mate.
Cackling Kamala—Biden’s immigration czar, space czar and AI czar—has to be taken out first. Their childishly transparent efforts to replace Joe and Kamala with Gavin Newsom and Susan Rice requires Kamala Harris to be moved off the board first.
But how will they get rid of Kamala? She’s currently too boring and basically scandal-free to justify flat out removing her. This is the most complicated part of the plan.
We saw an incredible juxtaposition this week between the people’s president, Donald J. Trump, and the Deep State’s desiccated husk Joe Biden. President Trump walked into UFC 290 with Dana White over the weekend, and he received thunderous applause and a standing ovation from a crowd of 50,000 people. He was greeted by Mel Gibson, Mark Wahlberg, and celebrity chef Guy Fieri. One UFC fighter jumped out of the cage just so he could shake the president’s hand.
Joe and Jill Biden went to a sunny, crowded beach in Delaware, and no one even noticed. Not a single person walked up to say hello to the man occupying the Oval Office. Everything is written except for the obituary at this point.
The New York Times is suddenly criticizing Joe and Jill Biden like the monsters they are, over their refusal to acknowledge their seventh granddaughter. The Washington Post actually asked, “Hey, what’s with all this bribe money from Ukraine and China?”
Then there’s CocaineGate. I’m still 94% convinced that it’s Hunter Biden’s booger-sugar. It could be Hunter’s supplier left the baggie of cocaine in an agreed-upon drop-off spot and the Secret Service found it before Hunter could get to it. It could also have been planted by the FBI, because they know everyone will assume that the cocaine belongs to the First Crackhead.
The writing is on the wall with all of these mounting scandals. Old Joe is being sent to a farm where he can live with a nice family!
But again—there’s the conundrum. Kamala Harris is about 3 inches away from the big chair in the Oval Office, and that’s a problem. If she’s the incumbent “president” (LOL!), it changes the metrics dramatically in the DNC/Deep State’s planned Democrat Party primary. Despite her lack of appeal or any visible track record, she’s going to pull some votes away from Team Gavin/Susan. Having Kamala in the race is a nightmare for the Deep State, because she only increases RFK, Jr.’s chances of swiping the nomination.
Can you imagine what a nightmare an RFK, Jr. versus Trump general election would be for the people running the voting machines? They wouldn’t have a candidate they could cheat on behalf of.
The sex scandals of Not-Mrs.-Willie Brown are unlikely to derail her after all this time. Especially now that the Democrat Party openly supports pedophilia and child sex trafficking.
Having a weird sex life probably gives her added street cred with people in her party.
Back when the Republican Party saw that the writing was on the wall for Richard Nixon, they didn’t want Vice President Spiro Agnew taking over the #1 spot. With hindsight 20/20, it’s pretty clear that the felony tax evasion “scandal” that Agnew resigned over was another Deep State plot. They took Agnew out, Gerald Ford replaced Agnew and then Nixon, then basically gave the White House to Jimmy Carter in 1976.
The Deep State has been successfully taking out inconvenient candidates or politicians whenever it wants to for many years now—dating back to at least JFK if not earlier. It’s kind of amazing to see the divine protection working over President Trump when you think about it. Maybe it’s time for Kamala Harris to hire a food taster.