Sunday, September 8, 2024
League of Power

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Study Finds Chance of COVID Jab-Related Heart Injury 3000X Higher Than CDC Claims

It’s been clear that the CDC has been lying about the dangers associated with the COVID vaccines from early on, but the sickening results from a new study has revealed the true magnitude of that lie…

The Switzerland based study found that the chance of cardiac-related injury following injection with the mRNA COVID jabs is 3000 TIMES HIGHER than what the U.S. federal health agency has been telling us.

According to the peer-reviewed study, led by the Department of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Research Institute in Basel, nearly 3% of ALL monitored individuals showed signs of elevated cardiac enzymes just 3 days after taking the shot – suggesting the heart muscle had been damaged by the experimental injection.

“Our findings confirmed the study hypothesis. mRNA-1273 booster vaccination-associated elevation of markers of myocardial injury occurred in about one out of 35 persons (2.8%), a greater incidence than estimated in meta-analyses of hospitalized cases with myocarditis (estimated incidence 0.0035%) after the second vaccination,” the researchers wrote.

The small, yet thorough, study found no definitive cases of myocarditis, but there were two participants with “vaccine-associated myocardial injury and chest pain” which indicated they might have contracted myocarditis.


Another shocking finding this study found was that the myocarditis complication rate was higher among women, but was more serious among men.

While this study concluded that 3% of all recipients suffered cardiac injuries, the CDC is still promising these vaccines are ‘safe and effective.’

The CDC stats claim that only 0.001%, or 0.95 out of 100,000 people, suffer cardiac injuries following vaccination. But those numbers they get directly from Moderna, one of the vaccine makers! It’s not even an unbiased source!

To put that the severity of the Swiss findings in perspective, the CDC claims that 270 million in the U.S. have been vaccinated. With a cardiac injury rate of 3%, that means that AT LEAST 8.1 million of those vaccine recipients have been subjected to potentially fatal heart injuries.

Instead, the federal agency is using data provided to them by Big Pharma vaccine manufacturers who has a financial incentive to LIE to the American people about how “safe” the injections really are!

Any sane health agency would verify this information for itself – especially when seeing the disparity between the numbers they’re peddling and those provided by the Swiss study – but the CDC has ZERO desire to do so.

The corrupt bureaucrats within the agency would much rather bury their heads in the sand and collect their Big Pharma bribes as Americans continue to DIE as a result of their actions. The CDC has absolutely betrayed the American people they have sworn to protect!

And to think, these heart issues are only PART of the problems associated with these injections. Those 8.1 million particularly vulnerable individuals doesn’t even account for people suffering from other side effects of the vaccine like blood clots, sterilization and auto-immune disorders.

This scandal is FAR WORSE than we can even begin to imagine – and our CDC is complicit in the whole thing.

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