Out of all the crimes he committed during his career, it was tax evasion that finally brought Al Capone down. That probably wasn’t the method that Eliot Ness would have preferred, but a win is a win, right?
If we could put Donald Trump back in the White House tomorrow on a technicality or a loophole, and give the Biden regime the boot, wouldn’t that be preferable? I know I’d take it. Gas is creeping back up toward $6 a gallon where I live right now, and the price of gas historically never goes up this time of year.
A situation has emerged in Wayne County, Michigan that could—as oddly as it sounds after all this time—overturn the state’s 2020 election results.
This information comes from former Michigan State Senator Patrick Colbeck, who was first elected to the state senate during the Tea Party wave in the early 2010s. He was a certified poll challenger at the TCF Center in Detroit on the night of the 2020 election (the location where they kicked the observers out and put cardboard up in the windows).
As the largest county in Michigan by population, Wayne County turned out 2-to-1 in favor of Donald Trump, if you assume that the election was fair, and you ignore the fact that there was a huge ballot dump for Biden in the middle of the night. The final vote tally was 597,170 for the kid sniffer and 264,553 for President Trump.
If Wayne County’s election was never properly certified, it would mean that those votes don’t count toward the state’s total. The result would flip, and Donald Trump would win Michigan by a margin of 178,429 votes. (Biden’s “official” victory total was about 150,000 votes in Michigan.)
Under Michigan law, election results are certified by a county board of canvassers. Each county has two Democrats and two Republicans on its board of canvassers. Under MCL 168.24a in Michigan law, at least three canvassers must agree before any action of the board “becomes effective.” That includes certifying an election.
Historically, this is how elections have been certified in Wayne County. In 2016, all four canvassers signed off on the certification of the county’s election results. In the 2018 midterms, three canvassers signed off on the results (the minimum required).
But in 2020, only two of the county’s canvassers signed off on certification—the two Democrats. Both Republicans refused to certify the election results, based on the “anomalies” that happened during the election. The two Republicans even signed affidavits, dated November 17, 2020, reaffirming that they were solid “No” votes and did not believe the 2020 election was certifiable.
Their concerns were threefold.
First, there was a huge ballot dump at 3:30 in the morning at the TCF Center, and there was no chain of custody on the ballots that just showed up out of nowhere.
Second, the list of qualified voters has to be uploaded to the Statewide Qualified Voter file by an established date. According to Sen. Colbeck, that happened 6 days after the required statute, and 13 days after the election. This poll book update at such a late date was deeply suspicious—as if they were uploading fake voter registrations to make the vote totals match the number of voters.
Third, 71% of the Absentee Voter Counting Boards (AVCBs) in Detroit were unbalanced, with more Democrats than Republicans in the room, in violation of statute.
The Wayne County Board of Canvassers met on November 17, 2020. Republican canvassers Monica Palmer and William Hartman both voted “No” on certifying the results. The minutes of that meeting clearly show this happening. On the certification document from the 2020 election, Monica Palmer and William Hartman’s signatures are not on it. The two Democrats’ signatures are not on it.
Why are we only hearing about this now? Because the Democrats issued death threats to the Republican canvassers at that meeting on November 17, 2020. There’s video of that, too.
Wayne County, Michigan’s 2020 election result WAS NEVER CERTIFIED. Donald Trump won the 2020 election in Michigan, based on this huge discrepancy. None of this is speculation. The documents exist.
Here are Michigan State Rep. Abrahim Aiyash (D) and Wayne State University Vice President Ned Stabler issuing death threats to the Republican canvassers at that meeting.