Ever since the 2020 presidential election which supposedly saw President Joe Biden supposedly get “the most votes in history” despite only leaving his basement once or twice during his entire campaign, the Democrats have been on a mission to convince [...]
A Minnesota House race was decided in favor of a Democrat incumbent by a margin of just 14 votes – thanks to one city which mysteriously “disposed” of 21 ballots… coincidence? The county attorney for Scott County, Minnesota, said that [...]
An election judge from Minnesota has been arrested and charged with two felonies for allowing unregistered voters to vote in the 2024 election… but the left still wants you to think this is a ‘conspiracy theory!’ Right in the backyard [...]
Oh, look, it’s more 2020 election fraud in Fulton County, Georgia. In a consent order that just happened this week, Fulton County finally admitted that it had 3,600 duplicate ballots counted in the audit of the 2020 election, which took [...]
Out of all the crimes he committed during his career, it was tax evasion that finally brought Al Capone down. That probably wasn’t the method that Eliot Ness would have preferred, but a win is a win, right? If we [...]
The leftwing “news” outlet Politico published a warning on Monday morning that due to technical difficulties, it will probably take many days after the upcoming November midterms to count all the votes. Especially in statewide elections like the US Senator [...]
A new report has uncovered the truth about the 2020 election – exposing hundreds of thousands of “excess votes” for President Joe Biden in critical states which helped him steal the election. The extra votes were found during a deep [...]
I don’t know if I even have the words to describe my disgust for many elected Republicans in Congress and the RNC right now. Friday was a big day. It was THE day. You know it and I know it. [...]