Global warming is super important, as all virtuous and good people know. If you don’t believe it’s super important, you’re a bad person and probably a science denier and a Trump supporter. According to Joe Biden, global warming is an existential threat to the United States. It’s the second most serious national security threat after white supremacy. And you know how much of a threat that is! That’s why the Biden regime has the tippy-top scientists in the world of Science working on this existential problem. Scientists like Dr. Jane Lubchenco, one of the most important scientists in the US government after Dr. Anthony Fauci (Mr. Science himself!).
Dr. Lubchenco is one of the most preeminent and important global warming scientists in the country. When she’s not conducting “research” at Oregon State University, she’s bouncing around in various federal agencies for Democrats. She also – and you’d better brace yourself for this next part – just so happens to be a scientific fraud.
I know, right? Weird! How could this happen in the important field of global warming?
Jane Lubchenco served as Barack Obama’s Director of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency (NOAA) from 2009 to 2013. That’s how important she is. Have you served as Obama’s NOAA Director? Didn’t think so! She’s an important scientist, unlike the rest of us.
More recently, Dr. Lubchenco has been working as Joe Biden’s Deputy Director for Climate and Environment in the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. She’s one of Joe Biden’s main global warming advisors. She also writes really long research papers about seaweed. She’s probably a lot of fun at a dinner party.
And… she just got kicked out of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) for scientific fraud. Whoopsie!
What did she do? Well, she violated one of the main NAS bylaws by editing a research paper that was written by her brother-in-law. Not only did she not disclose her personal relationship with her brother-in-law, but she also worked to promote the research – research that happened to be fraudulent, inaccurate, and out-of-date. The research paper has since been retracted after it was proven to be a fraud.
Effective as of August 8th, Joe Biden’s global warming advisor Jane Lubchenco is on a five-year suspension from being involved in any National Academy of Science publications. She’s banned from serving on or participating in any NAS or National Research Council activities. And she’s banned from receiving any grants or honors from the NAS. The NAS says that Lubchenco’s ban is for “detrimental research practices that are clear violations of the fundamental tenets of research.” For a global warming scientist like Lubchenco, that’s basically like being banned from science itself.
Which is terrible, since we’re in such a critical time in the fight against global warming right now. According to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), we only have something like nine or ten years left to save the planet from the weather by raising your taxes. This is like our World War 2!
The global warming has gotten really bad lately, too, according to Biden administration-linked scientists. For example, global warming has been causing problems like heart attacks in the healthiest young athletes in the world and other young, fit people. Global warming has also caused a 40% increase in stillbirths. Incredible numbers of children are developing cardiovascular disease because of global warming. It’s also causing something called winter vagina.
Never mind the fact that these people are all vaccinated against COVID who are having these problems! We’re doing science here! And global warming is the cause of all those problems.
The Biden regime needs all hands on deck for the global warming problem. So, they can’t allow a problem like Dr. Jane Lubchenco being exposed as a scientific fraud to slow them down. They’ve come up to a solution to that issue. Social media companies will now ban and censor anyone who mentions that Dr. Lubchenco has been kicked out of Science.
That’s right. Biden hasn’t fired Lubchenco for committing scientific fraud. In fact, here’s the punchline: She just got a promotion.
She’s the new co-chair of the White House Scientific Integrity Task Force. Kind of says it all about the Biden regime, doesn’t it?