Yes! It is his turn to surge in the race for the Republican nomination. Merry Christmas America! But, he’s not going to win. He’d make a great Vice President though, maybe even a cabinet position. But, he’s not going to take the top job. That requires personality. In this age of “Reality Politics”, Ron Paul is the least likely to “wow” anyone. His platform is one of the worthiest that we have seen in ages. It was the same last time too. His message is one that makes a lot of sense, for the most part.
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A few weeks back we engaged in a debate…me from here and you on the message board, about his ability to win. Many of you think he has what it takes. I agree, he does. But where we differ is whether he has what it takes to win it all. If he woke up tomorrow and developed a personality then he would stand a chance. If he figured out how not to scare the heck out of everyone, he could move closer. If he took less extreme positions now (he can always change his mind when he’s in office), he might be more palatable to the “establishment” voters. His only chance of winning the nomination, frankly, is if Gingrich and Romney self-destruct and if Perry drops out of the race completely.
Strangely enough, all of these things could happen. Gingrich, while a formidable opponent, is universally disliked and mistrusted, even by his own party. He has a way of alienating people. Most recently he made comments to alienate Hispanic voters and African American voters with comments regarding immigration and menial jobs. If he wanted to stoke anger towards Obama, he failed miserably with those two large voting blocks. And women, well he’s not scoring many points there either with his track record. This is all before people even hone in on his lavish lobbying supported lifestyle. He will benefit from his run, without a doubt…at the bookstore.
Romney, our favorite non-event, is getting frustrated. He can’t move up in the polls and he’s actually beginning to fade. Five years into his run for the Presidency, the poor schmuck can’t seem to convince anyone he’s a conservative. That’s because he’s not. He’s a closet liberal and voters are seeing through his attempts at appeasing everyone all the time, even if it means changing his positions on a daily basis to fit whatever’s in vogue. Oh, yes, he’s also got that other issue. It seems that Americans are just not ready for a Mormon in the Whitehouse and while that smacks of religious intolerance and bigotry, it’s a fact.
So, barring a last minute entry by Jeb Bush or Chris Christie, the Republicans could ostensibly hand the nomination to Ron Paul by default, as the most likeable on a slate of least likeable candidates. In truth, I have no idea at this point who will win the nomination for the party…it’s much easier to pick who won’t!
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