Thursday, February 13, 2025
League of Power

The League of power

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Brits Horrified by AZ Audit Results – When Will the Republican Party Notice?

Will wonders never cease? The British media has finally started to notice that America is “struggling to implement democracy,” as the Russian foreign minister poetically put it back in December of 2020. An article in the Sunday Times in London spells out – for British readers – all of the reasons why people should be concerned about the state of future elections, based on the fact that “You Know, The Thing” happened in November of 2020 here. Way to pay attention, guys! Here’s something to ponder: As the rest of the world finally starts to admit the obvious, why is the national Republican Party in the good old USA still pretending that nothing happened?

First, kudos to Sunday Times columnist Rod Liddle for having the courage to write the article that was published over the weekend. Rod Liddle is extremely difficult to like. His sad, pudgy, liberal, low-testosterone face makes him look like CNN’s Brian Stelter, but with a full head of hair. Liddle is a rabid, card-carrying, Trump-hating liberal.

And yet, his Sunday column this week was titled:

“So Trump was right: the election was rigged. And our next one will be too.”

The article is unfortunately behind one of those ridiculous newspaper internet paywalls, but if you’re inclined to jump through hoops and read the whole thing for yourself, the link is HERE.

Even though he is late in arriving to the dance, Liddle’s conclusions are pretty remarkable. Most NATO countries have refused to admit that the 2020 election in America was stolen. Why would they? It works to their advantage. They get a good laugh as they watch Joe Biden dodder around getting lost in the bushes, and meanwhile they can undo all of the America First deals that Donald Trump negotiated to make the world a fairer place.

But after the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal, Biden has squandered all the goodwill that the Brits and other allies had for him. He yanked American troops out in the dead of night – without bothering to inform any of our allies! Then, Biden refused to answer the phone for an entire weekend as Afghanistan fell under Taliban control. Joe Biden is the first occupant of the Oval Office to ever be held in contempt by the UK Parliament by a majority vote.


Rod Liddle gets some things wrong about the 2020 election, but he makes some remarkable statements that British readers have never seen before. Liddle writes:

“If that election had taken place in any other country, it would have been called ‘unfree’. And, as more and more evidence emerges, it terrifies me that the same thing could happen here.”

He’s right, although the response if that election had happened in any other country would be a bit stiffer than simply calling it “unfree.” The United Nations would be sending guys with guns and blue helmets into any other country where that happened and forcing them to hold a do-over election – as they did in Ukraine just a few years ago when people were caught stuffing mail-in ballot drop boxes.

Liddle even calls out his many liberal comrades in the mainstream media who are incapable of comprehending this “grotesque manipulation of democracy.” At least some of the Brits are now starting to turn on Joe Biden. Afghanistan was their breaking point.

But what’s the excuse for the Republican Party? It’s obvious that even though Liddle barely mentions the Arizona audit in his article, the audit was what caused the scales to finally fall from his eyes. He refers to it as “mounting evidence.”

So, where is the breaking point for Republicans? How many indignities is this illegitimate, sham of an unelected “administration” going to heap on the American people before they say something? The audit results in Arizona were so conclusive that every Republican congressman and congresswoman and senator should be calling for the 2020 election to be decertified.

The Federal Election Commission only allows a 0.0008% error rate in federal elections before drastic measures are supposed to be taken. Even the smallest instance of fraud uncovered in the Arizona audit – the 17,000 duplicate votes – amounts to a 150% margin of error over Joe Biden’s flimsy, fake 10,000-vote “victory.”

Dear Republican Party: When fat, lumpy British newspaper columnists are displaying more public courage and integrity than you are, YOU HAVE A PROBLEM.

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