Sunday, September 8, 2024
League of Power

The League of power

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An Easy Way to Get Rich This Year (You Can do This)

The first week of the New Year is here! This time of year is always exciting for me because it represents a time of change. Something about turning the calendar makes me want to reflect and find areas I can improve.

Goals 2014

Most of us reflect on our regrets – the things we didn’t do that we wish we would have. All of our imperfections and missed opportunities seem to bubble up to the surface during this time. We think about all the times we could have put forth our energy towards being better and doing better in life.

But the New Year isn’t just for reflecting on the past. It’s also a time for finding resolution and vowing to make this year different.

There is a natural energy that is released when the calendar turns. It’s something that’s unique to humans, we love fresh beginnings and the opportunity to change and be better. It’s the reason we all make New Year’s resolutions each year.

Did you make a resolution to do more this year? Do you want to change your life for the better?

If you promised yourself that this is going to be the year that you stopped wasting time and started making more money then you’ve come to the right place. I’ve got a plan for you to make over one hundred thousand dollars, if not more, in extra cash this year.

But First I want to tell you a quick story. Don’t worry it relates to making money and I’ll get back to your personalized action plan in a minute.

This story is about a young man (ok it depends on what you think is young) who decided he was fed up with office politics, bosses who tried to make him feel like he was never good enough, promises that were never kept by management, and the everyday bullshit that comes with working in a corporate office.

One year, his last to be exact, he felt pretty good going into the New Year. He’d not only met his sales goals during the past year, but had far exceeded them. He felt positive his strong efforts would be rewarded and he would receive accolades from management.

He was wrong.

His bosses told him that despite his efforts he would just be given the standard raise yet again. This man tried in vain to show all the reports detailing his gains and efforts throughout the year, but to no avail. He left the meeting unhappy with his employee review and a heart that had been changed

He decided that this year was going to be different. No longer would he work for inept bosses or people that tried to put him down, no longer would he line the pockets of people who didn’t care and would never be happy.

So he quit and went out on his own.

He looked high and low for a business that would give him what he needed – a steady income with lots of potential, in which he wouldn’t have to work too much so he could still spend lots of time with his family and friends, that allowed him to set his own hours and be his own boss, allowed him to work from his home wherever that may be, was low risk and didn’t require a lot of start-up capital.

What he found was an online business selling information on how to make money. He named it The League of Power, a tribute to his new mindset and his promise to himself to change for the better.

Alright, I’m sure by now you’ve guessed the story is about me, Mark Patricks, the founder and owner of League of Power. It’s all true and is the birth story behind this business. I got sick and tired of making someone else rich who didn’t respect me and would never pay me what I was worth. This all happened to me, about this same time nearly ten years ago.

With my marketing and sales skill set I knew I could start any kind of business I wanted, but I chose an online business selling information.


Besides all the other luxuries I already mentioned that running an online business affords me I found that selling information products has the highest profit margins of any types of products I could sell. Any business owner will tell you that profit margins can either make or break your business. Most businesses are thrilled if they can eek out a profit margin of 15-20 percent. That means if they sell a product for $100, after costs they only get to keep $15-20 out of the sale.

But selling information online is different. Your profit margins are through the roof! You get to keep almost 100 percent of the profits. Your only costs are from your marketing efforts. And if people are able to find your website organically then your marketing costs are zero! I’ve never found another type of business that makes me more money, plus is this easy to do.

Combine high profit margins with products that command higher price points and you’ve got yourself a business that can go from zero to $100,000 a year in no time flat. You see not only do information products have great profit margins, but if you sell the right kind of information you can get hundreds of dollars per sale.

Say for example you have an online business selling books on yoga. Yoga is a hot market that is attracting more and more people each year, sounds good right? Each book you sell goes for $10. To make $50,000 you’d have to sell 5,000 books. To make $100,000 you’d have to sell 10,000. You’d have to sell a lot of books to make good money.

That’s why I like selling information on how to make money online or investing. Not only do I have high profit margins, but I also can command a higher price point. This way I don’t have to work as hard to sell as many units to make a great living.

Let’s take a video course I sell for $100 as an example.  If I sell 1,000 of them I’ve already made six figures.  Heck if I only sell 500 I’d make $50,000.  This isn’t a crazy amount of money, but certainly a nice side income.  With the limited number of customers needed it makes it very easy for even a beginner to make a six figure income.

How can I command a higher price point for my information as opposed to yoga books? Simple answer, return on investment. Think about the person that buys a book on yoga. What do they get out of the information? Enjoyment and some personal happiness perhaps. But selling information on how to make money online gives the buyer not only enjoyment, but also the ability to make their money back and then some. The higher return on investment you can offer, the more you can sell a product for.

Information products are also great because you do the work once, but continue to get paid forever after that. Think about an author who writes a book. He or she may have to work hard for a few months to get it finished. But then, he puts it on the market and selling hundreds, if not millions of copies. Each time he does he gets paid, no matter if he sells a copy a few months after he releases the book or if its years down the line.  Even if he never writes another book he still makes money forever then on. That’s the power of selling information. You work once, but get paid as if you are continually working.

Plus selling information will never go out of style. In fact this type of business is growing leaps and bounds every year. Just think of the last time you didn’t know the answer to something. What did you do to find out? You went to your computer to search out the information. Literally billions of people are searching for information every day. You can be the one that answers the question for them and gets paid in the process!

In a nutshell online businesses that sell information are the least risky with the highest profit potential around. If you are going to make this the year that you make more money why not pick one that puts you ahead of so many others. I did and I’ve never looked back. I hope you join me.

In fact, this week I will be providing a very unique opportunity for you to join me in this business.  I’ve never seen anything done like this ever before.  And it could make you six figures or more, this year.

The best part is I will be giving you everything you need to make this happen…  So you can hit the ground running and make 2014 your best year yet.  Keep your eyes open for the report I will be sending later this week.

To your future and mine!

Mark Patricks

P.S.  Remember, you can make six figures very easily with this.  However, the opportunity I’m presenting later this week will be very limited.  So be sure to check your email.

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