Saturday, February 8, 2025
League of Power

The League of power

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Browsing the "New Year" Tag

Merry Christmas from Our Family to Yours!

Merry Christmas from Our Family to Yours!

Hello Friend,  All of us at League of Power want to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas! We’ve enjoyed bringing you the latest news, commentary and advice over the last year and we hope to continue that in [...]

December 25, 2017 Freedom by Friday
An Easy Way to Get Rich This Year (You Can do This)

An Easy Way to Get Rich This Year (You Can do This)

The first week of the New Year is here! This time of year is always exciting for me because it represents a time of change. Something about turning the calendar makes me want to reflect and find areas I can [...]

January 6, 2014 Freedom by Friday
Be the Man, Don’t Work For Him

Be the Man, Don’t Work For Him

I originally wanted to wait until the New Year to write this post because I wanted you to have a recent experience to draw from. But this post is bursting out of me and I simply can’t hold off writing [...]

December 23, 2013 Freedom by Friday
Seeing Your Goals Through

Seeing Your Goals Through

Your new year starts with a dream… Let me tell you up front that if you do not have a dream, you will not become a millionaire other than by winning a game of chance. It’s just too hard. To [...]

January 7, 2013 Freedom by Friday
Financial Predictions for 2013

Financial Predictions for 2013

Happy New Year everyone! With the New Year comes a sense of change. We all make resolutions to do things differently than last year while hoping it leads to better health, happiness and wealth in 2013. One thing that changes [...]

January 2, 2013 Easy Street
Clearing The Debt for 2012

Clearing The Debt for 2012

Make The Holiday Bills Disappear Happy New Year! The holiday season is finally over. Now we’ve got to figure out how to pay for all those “season’s greetings.” November and December aren’t the most expensive months of the year solely [...]

January 4, 2012 Easy Street
Do This Before Saturday

Do This Before Saturday

The end of the year is a fun time; it’s also an expensive time. The day before Thanksgiving is the busiest travel day of the year and airplane tickets are not cheap. Mr. Patterson and I paid just over $500 [...]

December 28, 2011 Easy Street