Friday, March 7, 2025
League of Power

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After Betraying Donald Trump, Bill Barr Suddenly Becomes Media Darling

You’re going to be seeing a lot of former Attorney General Bill Barr over the next few days. “Lumpy” has a new book coming out in which he bashes Donald Trump’s “conspiracy theories” about the 2020 election. So, the media is trying to drum up interest in the book before its Tuesday release.

This won’t work for various reasons, but it’s yet another example of the strange new respect that the media always gives to a purported Republican who bashes conservatives. (See also: Liz Cheney.)

Barr’s book is called, “One Damn Thing After Another: Memoirs of an Attorney General,” and I obviously won’t be purchasing it or reading it. The book is purportedly about his time serving as Attorney General for Presidents George HW Bush and Donald Trump.

But we all know the real reason why the media is so interested in promoting the book right now. Barr bashes Donald Trump and claims there was never any evidence of fraud in the 2020 election.

To highlight just how bizarre the media/Democrat Party’s strange new respect for Bill Barr is, here’s how they were talking about Barr in 2019.

“Attorney General Barr has lost the trust and confidence of the American people and he should resign.” – Rep. Jim McGovern (D-MA)

“More than 1,100 former prosecutors and other DOJ officials call on Attorney General Bill Barr to resign.” – Mercury News

“Our constitutional system of government is in jeopardy… Mr. Barr has given away his credibility here.” – Rep. Madeleine Dean (D-PA)

“Bill Barr has betrayed his oath to uphold the law and defend the constitution.” – Rep. Val Demings (D-FL)

“His reputation is shot… He won’t get his reputation back.” – Joe Scarborough, MSNBC

That last one from Joe Scarborough is perhaps my favorite. Just you wait, Scarborough will have Bill Barr on his morning show sometime in the next few days to talk about his book, and Scarborough will be painting Barr as an unimpeachable man of integrity and honesty – one of the last honorable Republicans in Washington!


The truth is that Bill Barr was playing for the other side all along. You’ve probably seen the clips online this week of MSNBC clown Lester Holt interviewing Barr, and Barr saying that he told Donald Trump the 2020 election fraud was “bulls**t.” Only a partisan political hack or someone suffering from dementia could look at the 2020 contest and believe that.

Keep in mind, Barr is making that statement in the same week that the Wisconsin Office of Special Counsel released a damning 138-page report on 2020 election fraud in that state. The report is even more comprehensive and damning than the forensic audit that took place in Maricopa County, Arizona. It was so bad that the Special Counsel and 12 counties in Wisconsin are calling for the state’s 2020 electors to be decertified.

Joe Biden was trailing Donald Trump by more than a million votes on election night in Pennsylvania. In the middle of the night, Biden impossibly made up that gap. A US Attorney in Pennsylvania specifically asked Biden to look into this obvious fraud – and Bill Barr shut him down. There was video evidence of Georgia election workers ramming stacks of magic suitcase ballots through the counting machines four or five times, and that video was released weeks before Bill Barr got in a fight with Trump about election fraud and resigned. It’s easy to not find election fraud if you’re unwilling to look for it in the first place and prevent prosecutors from looking into it.

Anti-Trump media moguls and guys like George Soros own all of the major book publishing companies in New York, including Bill Barr’s publisher. Barr was paid a $2 million advance to write a book bashing Donald Trump. That is an outrageous sum, especially for an attorney’s biography that no one will ever read. It’s also the reason why there will be a media blitz with puffball Bill Barr interviews over the next few days, as they try to drum up some sales to recoup that $2 million advance. It won’t work.

No Trump supporter is going to put money in Bill Barr’s pocket just to read about him bashing Donald Trump. And liberals don’t read. (Try to sit through a Kamala Harris speech sometime if you doubt this.) It will be fascinating to see the same people who excoriated Barr as a “danger to our constitutional system of government” as they all suck up to him for the next few days.

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