The insane wealth redistribution plots of the “woke” world haven’t been making as many headlines for the past couple of months. The media managed to shush them for a few weeks while there was an election to steal. But the crooks who rail about “equity” in society while suspiciously eyeing the equity in your home are still busy. Even though the riots and looting have died down a little bit, they’re still loony and they still want your stuff. Fortunately, many of the Black Lives Matter Marxists just received a painful lesson in actual Marxism. Let’s check in and see how that’s going!
You might think that Seattle would be content to settle down a little bit, now that the City Council is defunding the police department. Right? Nope! The next brilliant idea from the woke politicians in Seattle is something called “Real Rent.”
The average monthly rent for an apartment in Seattle is about $2,000 a month. But under the genius of the Real Rent plan, Seattle folks would be cutting an additional rent check each month to a nearby Indian tribe. Get it? If you live in Seattle, you’re living on “stolen land,” so you owe your Real Rent to the Indians.
We also have to assume that Real Rent will only be collected from white people in Seattle. If you’re a black, Asian, Hispanic or other race, then you’re obviously not one of the ones whose ancestors “stole” Seattle from the Indians.
Meanwhile, the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) have voted on a resolution to demand reparations from working class white Americans, to punish them for their role in capitalism. So much for workers of the world uniting! I think you guys got something upside down with that one.
Hilariously, the DSA’s proposal doesn’t have any means testing in it. In other words, if any local government were to adopt the resolution, white convenience store clerks and fast-food workers would be cutting a reparations check to Beyonce every month. Fairness!
Which brings us to Black Lives Matter. This story is truly adorable. The Black Lives Matter Global Network (BLMGN) is the umbrella organization that was set up as a nonprofit to rake in all that sweet, sweet corporate blackmail cash. Local BLM chapters are supposed to be under the authority of the BLMGN, and in turn, the BLMGN is supposed to have the bigwigs who do all of the planning, campaigning, and shaking down of corporations.
Since it was first formed during Barack Obama’s time in office, BLMGN has really been a small-potatoes organization. It was only taking in cash in the low millions range for its first few years. But not this year! Ever since George Floyd killed himself with opiates in Minneapolis, BLMGN has raked in somewhere close to $2 billion from virtue signaling corporations.
Pepsi, Nabisco, Microsoft, Warner Records, Amazon and other giant companies poured cash into BLMGN as fast as they could. BLMGN took in more money in 2020 than either the Trump campaign or the Biden campaign.
But now all of the local BLM chapters across the country are a bit miffed. They want to know where all that sweet corporate cash went to, and why they haven’t seen any of it. The three West African occult witches who founded BLMGN are not answering any of those questions.
That is soooo CUTE! Of course, most of us who know what actual Marxism is like understand exactly where the money went. The three ladies who founded BLMGN are living their best Oprah lives now. Probably on private yachts somewhere.
But for the local BLM chapters, this is obviously their first brush with true Marxism. If they had ever bothered to read “Animal Farm” by George Orwell, they’d know that the pigs get to eat all of the good food and sleep in fluffy beds inside the house, while the worker animals have to stay outside the house.
Sure, the local BLM chapters across the country did all the hard work. They went out and rioted and looted and burned down stores and wrecked statues and people’s lives. But that was only possible because of all the hard work and thinking that the boss pigs inside the house did. See? All black lives are equal, but some black lives are more equal than others.
This is actually good news for America. A lot of disgruntled local BLM leaders are going to walk away from this toxic group in disgust, now that they’ve had a taste of how real Marxism works. And congratulations to the three BLMGN founders who ripped off corporate America. They managed to pull off the second-biggest heist of 2020.