Sunday, May 5, 2024
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Heartwarming: EU Vax Passport System Breached, Hitler Is Officially Vaxxed

Here is a story that the globalist elites don’t want anyone to find out about. The European Union’s hated vaccine passport system, known as the “Green Pass,” has been breached. The next time you try to go see a Mumford & Sons Minus the Conservative Banjo Player concert in the EU and Adolph Hitler shows up, you can breathe easy. That’s because the German National Socialist leader has been fully vaccinated – and he has the Green Pass to prove it!

The bad news for the globalists is that the Green Pass system is now hopelessly compromised, and thousands of unvaccinated European rebels are already walking around with authentic vaccine passports and laughing at their would-be overlords.

Images of the Adolf Hitler QR codes started popping up all over social media channels in the EU a few days ago. Twitter and Facebook are dutifully swatting those down, and health officials are quietly trying to spread the word that these Hitler vaccine passports are fake. But they’re not. And these passports are proof that the “impenetrable,” “un-hackable” EU Green Pass system is a total failure. It can’t be recovered without a huge portion of the population becoming outraged at their EU bosses, and never trusting them again.


The Green Pass vaccine passport system is supposed to be un-hackable. It uses a 2-key encryption system to issue unique vaccine passports to individuals, while keeping their other health information private. 2-key systems use a public key and a private key. Each key is either a 32- or 64-digit number. The EU overlords in some ministry of health building have the public key; each hospital, pharmacy or other entity doling out the vaccines has a unique private key.

The Green Pass system is a smartphone app that compares the unique private key that a vaccinated patient receives with the not-unique public key in the overlords’ office. If both keys are authentic, then the Green Pass shows that you’ve been vaccinated, so you can go to a concert or a restaurant or any of the other places that are now segregated from the dirty filthy unclean and unvaccinated people.

It’s a private, impenetrable and un-hackable system – so long as everyone on the inside cooperates with it. Otherwise, it’s about as secure as when the bank manager leaves the key to the vault underneath that plastic garden gnome on his front porch when he gets home from work every night.

Here’s how the system was most likely breached. Europe has lots of hospitals. There are 3,000 hospitals in Germany, 3,000 in France, 2,000 in the UK, 1,000 in Poland, 1,000 in Spain, and so on. That’s 10,000 hospitals in just those five countries.

Every hospital and pharmacy administering vaccines has its own unique, private encryption key connected to Green Pass central command. That private encryption key is entered in every individual Green Pass app for every individual patient. All it would take is for one disgruntled hospital employee to jot down that private key number on a Post-It note, and then hand it off to her computer geek boyfriend or sell it to a hacker for a few bucks.

That hacker or computer geek then has the ability to issue authentic Green Pass vaccine passports to as many unvaccinated people as he wants to. Again: These passports are completely authentic within the Green Pass system. If the QR code is scanned at a restaurant or bar, it will ring up as totally legit. And because a private encryption key system is so… well… PRIVATE, there’s no way for the EU central command bosses to tell the difference. That’s also why the hackers are taunting the authorities with the Adolf Hitler vaccine passports – it will be impossible to catch them unless they try to sell a Green Pass to an undercover cop.

Even if the vaccine overlords were able to determine which hospital or pharmacy had its private encryption key stolen, there’s not much they can do about it. The computer geek now holding the private encryption key has the ability to issue as many vaccine passports as he wants. Some hospitals in Germany and Paris have already administered vaccines to well over 100,000 patients. If they were to deactivate a private encryption key from a hospital or pharmacy that leaked it, the Green Passes of every single person who was vaccinated there would get nuked too.

Most Europeans already hate the vaccine mandates and the Green Pass system. When they find out about this, public confidence in the whole system is going to collapse. Since at least one and possibly multiple Green Pass encryption keys have been leaked to hackers, it’s now impossible to tell whether anyone in the EU is vaccinated or unvaccinated using that system. Glorious! Oh, and if Hitler sneezes on you at a concert, don’t worry. You don’t need to go get a COVID test, because he’s been fully vaxxed!

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