As the liberal media mourned Democrat losses nationwide, one story many missed was a glaring defeat of a Minneapolis ballot initiative led by Minnesota Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar that would have defunded the city’s police.
A resounding 57 percent of voters opposed the amendment, ending the city’s attempt to dismantle police in a city rocked over the past year-plus following the death of George Floyd.
Though the vote should have been 100 percent of the city’s resident choosing to back the blue, the turnout of sane voters was high enough to make the difference in Minneapolis. After 2020 saw violence, looting, arson and increases in violent crime, the city’s residents knew the best path forward was not to defund the police, but to support and hire more of them.
With many city officers leaving or retiring since the summer of 2020, the city has instead been forced to reverse course and “refund” the police through a larger budget to recruit new officers and retain current ones.
Minneapolis wasn’t the only city to vote in favor of those who support the blue. In New York City, a strongly blue city, it was no surprise to see a Democrat win the mayoral seat. However, it may come as a surprise to many to see that the winner was a former police chief and strong proponent of a strong response on crime.
One reason for the strong turnout during the 2021 election for Republicans was due to a response against the defund the police movement. Virginia’s Glenn Youngkin offered a traditional supportive response to law enforcement, promising to back the blue as a major part of his campaign.
The battle for the governor of New Jersey also saw a surprisingly close battle that was also influence by the desire for a tougher response on crime. Democrats were expected to win by up to 15 points. The day after the election, the tally was still considered too close to call.
We may have a lot of problems in our country, but one area most Americans aren’t confused about is the importance of the police. We call 911 when we need help. If that help isn’t there, we’re all in trouble.
Maybe the results will lead to a shift in Democrat policies regarding police. The squad may not pay attention to logic, but the left is shrewd. As they recognize defunding the police is a net negative, perhaps they’ll cool on the rhetoric and move on to other policies.
We have enough problems in our nation as it is. Losing our police shouldn’t be added to the list. The people of Minneapolis, an increasingly secular and progressive city, have shown that even a left-leaning community still supports strong law enforcement. It’s not a left-right issue. It’s a fact of life. If we want to enjoy the freedoms our nation gives, we also need those who stop those who try to harm us. It’s one big change that offers hope for a nation in dire need of it.