Monday, May 6, 2024
League of Power

The League of power

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Get Ready for Turmoil Under President Kamala

If you didn’t watch President Trump’s wonderful CPAC speech on February 28, I hope you caught a repeat of it before Wednesday of last week. That’s because YouTube took down every copy of the speech that it could find and gave the Right-Side Broadcasting Network (RSBN) YouTube channel a two-week suspension for posting a speech from an American president. The arrogance of these people is stunning.

Then again, who will stop them? One thing that the elites are also trying (and failing) to hide from the world is just how far-gone Joe Biden really is. Everyone should brace themselves for the day when Kamala Harris is in charge, because it’s coming sooner than anyone expected.

Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was on Hannity last week. Following two-and-a-half years of wildly successful foreign policy on behalf of Donald Trump and the US, Pompeo has made a lot of friends and enemies around the globe. Many of his former counterparts are still in touch with him. (On a personal basis, not in a ‘Logan Act’ sort of way.) The whole world sees what’s going on with this current embarrassment in the White House.

Pompeo said the rest of the world is watching Joe Biden’s noted absence from the public sphere and “wondering” what’s going on. Why don’t we seem to have a visible public leader who is out there engaging the world in foreign policy, or even leading his own party when it comes to domestic policy?


You might remember me joking about the subject last year every time Joe Biden would try to sit through an interview with a reporter that lasted more than about 15 minutes. The second that Joe would get that deer-in-the-headlights look on his face and start to fly off the rails, someone on his staff would just pull the plug on his computer and cut the live feed. Nearly a dozen news anchors and reporters experienced themselves talking to a black screen, because Joe would simply vanish.

It happened again last week. Biden was participating in a “virtual event” with the House Democrat Caucus. You might have missed it. Only 216 people tuned in to watch the most popular elected official in all of human history (81 million totally real votes!). Just 216 viewers. Isn’t it weird how nobody seems to care what Biden says these days, despite being catnip for the voters just a few months ago?

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) introduced Joe Biden, who then spoke for exactly 9 minutes. At the conclusion of his opening statement, Biden said:

“I’m happy to take questions if that’s what you want me to do, Nance… whatever you want me to do…”

The White House camera then started shaking and the feed was cut off before anyone could actually ask Joe an unscripted question. So, it was pretty much identical to every “press conference” that Biden has held since his fake inauguration day.

President Trump was the most visible, open and transparent leader in our entire nation’s history. Good grief, he taped video updates for the American people while he was in the hospital with COVID!

But Joe Biden’s decline is accelerating so badly that he can’t last 10 minutes before his dementia handlers have to pull the plug. No State of the Union. No press conferences. No visibility. He’s not in charge – and he’s not likely to be around much longer.

After the emperor Nero killed himself in 68 AD, Rome went through a tumultuous year, carving its way through four separate emperors as they kept killing each other off in a civil war. We’re about to go through a year with three presidents, which hasn’t happened in the US since 1841.

Hopefully we’ll get through this one with less bloodshed than the Romans. President Martin Van Buren left office in 1841 and William Henry Harrison was sworn in. Harrison croaked just a month later and was replaced by Vice President John Tyler.

We had Donald Trump in office in January, Joe Biden currently, and Kamala Harris will be sworn in… when? Any guesses? Will Biden make it to April? May? Maybe next fall?

Here’s the remarkable video of the White House staff pulling the plug on Joe Biden the other day, so you can get a sense of just how bad the situation is:


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