Friday, February 14, 2025
League of Power

The League of power

"Brought to you by Global Liberty News"

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Where Did a Year Go?

Happy Holidays my friend and welcome back. Details on your special Christmas gift follow!

And so that time of year is upon us once again when everyone says to you, “Where did a whole year go?!”

Now, while the question sounds like the usual banality, it’s actually a good question if we treat it seriously. I mean, why does everyone go around saying that at this time of year?

I believe the reason is a function of how most people blunder through life. If you just grind away doing the same thing you hate, complaining, going through the motions, suffering and so on, life will seem like a meaningless blur. It’s only when a significant date approaches that people briefly snap out of their fatuous state as they are forced to reflect on what they did that past year.

If someone asks you this question, instead of reciprocating with the usual mindless rhetoric, think about your answer.

What have you done this past year?

Perhaps you took steps to change your irreplaceable life for the better? Did you make the effort to change your situation instead of complaining about it?

Personally, a year always seems like a long time for me because I can usually reel off a list of accomplished goals when asked this question. Students of our League of Power courses know this and how to go about it themselves. A year seems like a long time to me. Only a year??

Regardless of what you’ve accomplished this year, I’d like you to make 2014 even better.  To help you along I’ve included a few free gifts.  What’s more, you can re-gift it as many times as you like…!

Okay, this Christmas there’s a couple of special reports I want you and your loved ones to have called:

The Super Affiliate Master Guide

Alternative Real Estate Report

From us to you, I hope you find them useful and profitable. There are no strings and it’s free. Please download this!

So that was 2013. Where did that year go??

My answer to that question involves you. Thanks for being here and having these weekly chats with me- our community is getting larger by the day; it’s my great pleasure to have this opportunity to speak to tens of thousands of like-minded people each week.

For that reason, I’m pleased to announce that in 2014, we’re going to be making the League of Power community even better and more profitable for you. I thought I’d give you a sneak preview…

The Simple Money Software – This is an amazing piece of software used by my friend Mark Edwards.  It’s not a business in the traditional sense.  Actually it’s more like a job.  Though this job can be done from anywhere in the world and make you over $100 an hour.  It’s a great way to start raising cash for bills and all your other business ventures.

Your Exclusive License to the Forbidden Niche – There is one particular niche that has been hidden from most people looking to make money online.  Though it’s also one of the most profitable…  It provides a genuine opportunity to make six figures without the struggles usually involved in most businesses.  In fact, I think this is your best chance to make over $100,000 from home next year.  You’ll be getting all the details on this just after the New Year.  So keep your eyes open for our messages on this.

Backlash – We’re going to get more interactive. Each week I’ll be tackling a selection of questions, often especially chosen for their difficulty or even downright meanness! We’re going to provide real-time solutions to your problems right here.  So let us know you’re most pressing comments, questions, or even complaints.  We’re ready to get to work.

We’re also bringing online several other amazing products you’ll want to investigate too- they’ve been in development for some time now and I’m very excited about introducing you to them.

From everyone at The League of Power, we wish you a Merry Christmas and what we KNOW will be a prosperous 2014 for you and your loved ones!

Best regards,

Mark Patricks

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